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Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, &c.— continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant to 'ime from commencement of Session within which they should be produced. -% New Zealand University, Report, Statutes, and Regulations of Old-age Pensions, Particulars relating to New Zealand University Act, 1908, sec. 31 .. Old-age Pensions Act, 1908, sec. 69.. No time stated. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, thirty days after close of financial year. Ten days. (To be referred to a Select Committee.) Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. No time stated. Old-age Pensions : Regulations under Act Old-age Pensions Act, 1908, sec. 70 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, Regulations under Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Report and Accounts of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks : Annual Report and Accounts Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks : Regulations under Act Pensions proposed to be granted to Civil Servants Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1908, sec. 20 Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act, 1877, sec. 8 Patents, Designs, and Trade marks Act, 1908, sec. 120 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1908, sees. 119 and 120 Civil Service Act, 1908, sec. 28, as amended by the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 54 Police Force Act, 1908, sec. 39 Aa soon as practicable. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Soon as practicable. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days after granting. Police Provident Fund : Actuary's Report .. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from completion of audit. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. Police Provident Fund: Balance-sheet and Report Police Provident Fund Board, Report of, with Statement by Minister of Finance Port Robinson, Statement of Goods received at and shipped from Post and Telegraph Departmental List Police Force Act, 1908, sec. 38 Police Force Act, 1908, sec. 36 Land Act, 1908, sec. 305 .. Post and Telegraph Act, 1908, Regulations under Post and Telegraph Aot, 1908, sec. 118 Ten days. Post Offioe Regulations .. .. .. Post-Office Savings-Banks Returns Post and Telegraph Act, 1908, sec. 82 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, not later than 31st March. No time stated. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Provincial Districts' Contributions to Revenue Public Accounts, Differences of Opinion between Audit and Treasury as to charging Sums to Public Account, Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account, Transfers of Balances of Order of 2nd June, 1886 (Mr. Macandrew) .. Public Revenues Act, 1908, sec. 56.. Public Health Regulations Public Revenues Act, 1908, Memoranda, Reports, and Orders in Council under Public Revenues Act, 1908, Regulations under Public Revenues Act, 1908, sec. 69.. Public Revenues Act, 1908, pee. 57 .. Public Health Act, 1908, sec. 14 .. Public Revenues Act, 1908, sec. 82.. Public Revenues Act, 1908, sees. 5, 82, and 90 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after gazetting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Thirty days, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Ton days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after payment. Public Revenues Act, 1908, Telegrams and Orders in Council under Public Securities, Return of Public Revenues Act, 1908, sec. 83 Public Revenues Act, 1908, sec. 86.. Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, Actuary's Report under Public Service Classification and Superannuation Acts, Additional Amounts paid into Fund by Government under Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, Classification Scheme under Public Service Superannuation : Actuary's Triennial Report Public Service Superannuation: Report, of Board, together with Accounts and Statements Public Service Superannuation: Report of Teachers' Superannuation Board, together with Accounts and Statements (vide also Teachers) Public Stores Regulations .. Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, see. 48 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, sec. 49; and Public Seivice Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 39 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, sec. 7 Public Service Superannuation and Classification Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 38 Classification and Superannuation Aot, 1908, sec. 47 When approved by Governor in Council. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Publio Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec 37 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Public Trust Office, Balance-sheet of Public Trust Office : Unclaimed Lands vested in Public Trustee Public Trust Office, Regulations of .. Public Revenues Act, 1908, sec 125 Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 39 Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 85 Public Trust Office Act, 1908, sec. 63 Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. Forthwith if Parliament sitting. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from issue. No time stated. No time stated. Public Works Act, 1908, Regulations under .. Pnblic Works Act, 1908, sec. 4 Public-works Estimates Publio Works : Statement of Works carried out and Expenditure thereon Public Works : Certificates of Auditor-General on above * Railway Accounts, Monthly Railway By-laws .. Public Works Act, 1908, sec. 7 Public Works Aot, 1908, sec. 8 Public Works Act, 1908, sec. 8 No time stated. Government Railways Act, 1908, sec. 30 Government Railways Act, 1908, sec. 1] No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from publication.