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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.

the same shall be deemed to be a destitute person within the meaning of " The Destitute Persons Act, 1894," and the provisions of that Act shall apply accordingly. 73. For the purposes of this Act in relation to the maintenance of persons in any institution, or receiving relief therefrom, the Public Trustee shall be deemed to be a near relative of any such person in the place of his actual near relative who has died intestate ; and he is hereby authorised and shall contribute, out of the estate in his hands of any such intestate person, towards the maintenance of the aforesaid persons respectively, in the same manner in all respects as the person so dying intestate would have been liable to contribute had he been alive. 74. Where relief is granted by an institution to a person who at any time during the twelve months preceding the granting of the relief had resided for at least six months in a district beyond that in which the institution is situate, the Trustees or Board may recover from the Board of the district in which such person had so resided the entire cost of such relief : Provided that this section shall not apply where the person relieved has for a period of three months or upwards prior to his obtaining relief been resident in the district in which the institution is situate. 75. (1.) Every order under subsection one of section sixteen of " The Industrial Schools Act, 1882," for the commitment of a child as an inmate of an industrial school (whether such order was made before or after the coming into operation of this Act) shall be deemed to have been made within the district comprising the place at which the order was made, and the cost of maintaining such inmate (not exceeding a rate of eight shillings a week) shall be defrayed by the Board of that district. (2.) Any money paid by the Board under this section may Ire recovered in the same manner as if such inmate were an inmate of an institution under the control of the Board. Inspection of Institutions. 76. (1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint an Inspector-General of Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, a Deputy Inspector-General, one or more Assistant Inspectors-General, and such other persons as he thinks fit to be Inspectors under this Act. (2.) The Inspector-General shall have the general administration of this Act under the direction of the Minister, and may exercise all the functions of an Inspector in any part of New Zealand. (3.) The Deputy Inspector-General and Assistant InspectorsGeneral shall exercise all the functions of an Inspector, and shall, under the control of the Inspector-General, perform such general official duties as they are severally called upon to perform under this Act or by the Inspector-General; and the Deputy Inspector-General shall in case of the absence, illness, or other temporary incapacity, or of the death, of the Inspector-General act in his name and on his behalf, and while so acting shall have and may exercise all the powers duties, and functions of the Inspector-General.

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Aβ to relief afforded to persons ooming from beyond district.

Maintenance of destitute children
