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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.


(d.) Prescribing the duties of the several medical and other officers, nurses, attendants, and servants of any institution : (c.) Preventing trespass or intrusion upon the premises of any institution, or the grounds attached or belonging thereto : (/.) Preventing disorderly behaviour in or upon the premises of any institution by any person : (g.) Prohibiting the introduction of any specified articles into any institution : (h.) Generally for all matters affecting the general management, care, control, and superintendence of any institution : (*.) For the affording relief by medicine and attendance to outdoor patients, or the administration of out-door relief, and either directly or by means of any voluntary or other association formed for the purpose of providing or aiding in the administration of such relief. (2.) Any by-law may impose a fine not exceeding five pounds for the breach thereof. (3.) No such by-law shall come into force unless it has been previously approved by the Minister in writing : Provided that the Governor may at any time disallow any such by-law, but such disallowance shall not affect the validity of anything theretofore done prior to such disallowance. (4.) One or more printed copies of all by-laws shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the making thereof, and before they come into operation, be affixed and at all times maintained in some conspicuous public place in every institution to which the same relate. (5.) A printed copy of by-laws, purporting to be the by-laws of any Board or Trustee's respectively, if authenticated by the seal of the Board or Trustees, shall be evidence of such by-laws and of their having been duly made. (6.) Every by-law repugnant to this or any other Act shall be void. Maintenance of Pnmates. 70. The- Board and Trustees respectively may make contracts for the maintenance, care, or attendance of any persons in any institution. 71. (1.) Every person maintained in or in the receipt of relief from any institution, whether the same is supported wholly or partly only by public moneys, shall be liable to contribute a reasonable sum towards the same respectively according to his means. (2.) The Board and the Trustees respectively, or any person authorised by them respectively in that behalf, are hereby authorised to sue for and may recover in any competent Court such sum as the Court thinks reasonable, as a debt due to the Board or Trustees from the person so maintained in or in receipt of relief from such institution. 72. Every person maintained in or in the receipt of relief from any institution as aforesaid who has not sufficient means to pay for

By-laws to be posted in oonspicuous place in institution.

Evidence of by-law.

When by-laws void.

Oontraots for maintenance, Ac.

Persons receiving relief liable for same.

Near relation liable to contribute.