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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.

cost of the fare by railway, if he is not the holder of a free pass On such railway, or by coach or water conveyance, or by horse, incurred by any such Trustee in going to or returning from any meeting of the Trustees when duly summoned; but not more than five pounds in the whole shall be paid to any Trustee under this section in any one year. 66. (1.) The Trustees shall cause their accounts to be balanced in every year to the thirty-first day of March in each year, and shall cause a true statement and account to be prepared of all contracts entered into, and of all moneys received or expended during the preceding year, and of all the available assets of and the debts then owing by the institution. (2.) All such accounts shall be audited by the Audit Office, which for that purpose shall have and may exercise all such powers as it has under " The Public Revenues Act, 1891," in respect of public moneys. (3.) A copy of every such account shall, when audited, be sent to the Minister. 67. The following provisions of Part I of this Act shall, mutatis mutandis, extend and apply to separate institutions and to the Trustees thereof:— Section twenty-three ; Sections twenty-si* to twenty-nine; Sections thirty-two and thirty-three; Sections and thirty-six; and Sections forty-four to forty-eight. 68. (1.) If at any time it appears to the Minister, on the application of the Trustees of any institution or otherwise, that the funds of the institution are not sufficient to maintain it for the purposes for which it was established, he may by order under his hand revoke the incorporation of the institution and declare that its property shall vest in the Board, or otherwise as he thinks fit, and such order shall have effect accordingly. (2.) On the gazetting of any such order the control of the institution shall either vest in the Board or the institution may be closed. PART 111. Geneeal Provisions. By-laivs. 69. (1.) Every Board, in respect of institutions vested in it, and the Trustees of any separate institutions respectively, may from time to time make by-laws in respect to all or any of the following matters : — {a.) Regulating the admission of patients info any institution, on the nomination or recommendation of contributing local authorities or contributors or otherwise, and of their discharge therefrom : (b.) Prescribing what shall constitute a life membership of any institution : (c.) Maintaining order, discipline, decency, and cleanliness among the inmates of institutions :

Annual balancesheet.

Certain provisions of Part I to apply to separate institutions and Trustees.

Revocation of incorporation under certain circumstances.

Board and Trustees may make by-laws.