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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.


" District " and " subdistrict" mean respectively a district and subdistrict constituted under this Act: " Institution " means any hospital instituted for the reception and care of persons requiring medical or surgical treatment, and any public establishment instituted for the reception or relief of orphans, aged, infirm, incurable, or destitute persons, or fallen women, or as maternity homes, or established for any one or more of such objects, or for the administration by any body or association of persons of charitable aid ; and includes a hospital and an annexe to a hospital erected under " The Public Health Act, 1900 " ; but does not include any State institution or any private hospital: " Minister " means the Minister of the Crown for the time being administering this Act: " Separate institution " means an institution separately incorporated under this Act, and having its own separate managers : " Trustees " means the Trustees of a separate institution. PART I. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. Districts and, Boards. 3. (1.) The divisions of New Zealand described in the First Schedule hereto are hereby constituted districts for the purposes of this Act, with the names set over each such description. (2.) Where the boundaries of a county comprised in a district are altered, such alteration shall operate with respect to the district, and the boundaries of the district shall be deemed to be altered accordingly. (3.) Where a new county is at any time created, the limits whereof — (a.) Are within one district, then such new county shall, as from the date of its constitution, be included within and form part of that district; or (b.) Extend into more districts than one, then the Governor, by "warrant under his hand, shall appoint the district wherein such new county shall be deemed to be included. 4. (1.) For the this Act every borough shall be deemed to be included within the territorial area comprised in the description of the county wherein it is situate, or to which it is contiguous, although such borough does not actually form part of such county. (2.) In any case of doubt the Governor, by warrant under his hand, shall appoint the district wherein any borough shall be included. 5. (1.) On or before the coming into operation of this Act the Governor shall, by Order in Council gazetted, divide each district into such subdistricts, with such boundaries and. names as he thinks fit.

Districts constituted.

Boroughs'deemed to be included in counties,


9—H. 22a.