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Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.

(2.) The Governor may from time to time in like manner redivide any district or alter the boundaries of any subdistrict. 6. (1.) For every district there shall be a Board, consisting of one or more members for each subdistrict, as may from time to time be determined by the Governor in Council. (2.) Every such Board shall be a body corporate by the name of " The [Naming the district] Hospital and Charitable Aid Board," and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall be capable of holding real and personal property and of doing and suffering all things that bodies corporate may do and suffer. 7. (1.) Eor every subdistrict in which there is any institution there shall be a Committee, consisting of five members. (2.) The Chairman of the Committee for the time being shall ex officio be a member of the Board. 8. In every subdistrict in which there is any institution the Committee, and in every subdistrict in which there is no institution the members of the Board, shall be elected by the persons for the time being entitled to elect members of a local authority within the subdistrict, each of whom shall have one vote, and no more : Provided that in a subdistrict in which there is no local authority the members of the Board, or the members of the Committee, as the case may be, shall be appointed by the Governor, and shall hold office and have the same duties and functions as if they had been elected by the electors of a district under the jurisdiction of a local authority. 9. Every person eligible for election as a member of any local authority within the district shall be eligible for election as a member of the Board or of the Committee, as the case may be. 10. Every election under this Act shall be held under "The ' Local Elections Act, 1904," all the provisions of which Act shall, so far as applicable, apply accordingly. 11. (1.) The first election under this Act shall be held on the last Wednesday in April, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and subsequent elections shall be held on the same day in every third year. (2.) All members of Boards under " The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885," in office on the coming into operation of this Act shall remain in office until the coming into office of their successors under this Act, when they shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election. 12. It shall be the duty of the Returning Officer of the con- " tributing local authority having jurisdiction within the subdistrict, or if there are more such authorities than one, then of such one as the Governor from time to time appoints, to do all such things as are prescribed by regulations, or are necessary for the proper holding of elections under this Act, as often as occasion requires. 13. (1.) Every member of a Committee shall come into office on the day of his election, and shall hold office until the election of his successor, but shall be eligible for re-election. (2.) Every member of a Board shall come into office on the second Wednesday in May next after his election, and shall bold office until the coming into office of his successor, but shall be eligible for re-election. f 14. (1.) On the first Wednesday in May after the election of a Committee the members shall hold a meeting at such time and place

Distriot Board.

Subdistriet Committee.

Elections in ■subdibtriots. '

Qualification for member of Board or Committee.

" Local Elections Act, 1904," to apply.

Date of election.

Returning Officer to conduct elections

Term of office.

Bleotion of Chairman.