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any Board, but is or is intended to be maintained wholly or in part by the voluntary contributions from the public, who have signified their intention to contribute thereto (in sums of not less than five shillings) a yearly amount of not less than one hundred pounds, and who have paid one year's subscription in advance, or a donation of not less than twenty pounds, may be incorporated as hereinafter mentioned as a separate institution under the Act." Revocation of Incorporation of Separate Institution. 96. Grey District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That separate institutions under clause 51 be retained on the conditions under the existing Act, which has worked very satisfactorily in this respect. 97. Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and Westland Hospital Trustees. —That separate institutions under clause 51 be retained on the conditions under the existing Act, which has worked very satisfactorily in this respect. 98. St. Andrew's Orphanage. —Section 68, line 28: That the words "or otherwise " be struck out, and all the words after " institution," in line 31. 99. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 68, subsection (1): The words "or otherwise" be deleted. Election of Trustees. 100. Coromandel Hospital Board. —Section 53 : The Board of Trustees should be elected in the same manner as exists at present. 101. Waimate Hospital Trustees. —That the present mode of election of Trustees be maintained. 102. St. Andrew's Orphanage.— -Section 55, line 49: Strike out, the word second, and insert the word "third." 103. St. Andrew's Orphanage .—Section 53, line 37: After the word "of" insert "not less than six persons, who shall be contributors, and not more than." Voting-powers. 104. Coromandel Hospital Trustees. —Section 56, subsection (3): That three months be substituted for one month. 105. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 56, subsection (2): Strike out "one pound," and insert "five shillings." Election of Chairman. .106. Coromandel Hospital Trustees .—Section 58, subsection (1): That the Chairman should be elected by the Trustees. 107. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 58, subsection (1): Strike out this subsection, and insert one giving the Trustees power to elect their own Chairman. Payment of Subsidies. 108. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 63 to be altered to read, "On requisition, there shall be paid by the Colonial Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund to each separate institution in respect of the sums received by the Trustees a subsidy of Miscellaneous. 109. Coromandel Hospital Trustees. —Section 59 : That a concession to tradesmen should be made the same as in " The Counties Act, 1886," section 85, subsection (7). 110. Wairarapa District .Hospital Board.— Section 24: The power to make provrsron for supplies of medicines, &c, should be conferred upon committeemen and Trustees of separate institutions, as well as Boards. STATE AID. Reduction of Subsidies. 111. Reefton Hospital.— That trie-trustees object to the proposed reduced rates of subsidies as mentioned in clause 31 of the Bill. 112. Inangahua Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.— Similar to above. 113 Ashburton Hospital Board.— Similar to above. _ 114. South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.— Srmrlar to above. 115 Patea District Hospital Board.— Similar to above. 116 Stratford District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.— Similar to above, in! Waitaki Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.— Similar to above. 118 Waimate Hospital Trustees.— Similar to above. 119 ; North Auckland Hospital and. Charitable Aid, Board.— That subsections 2 and 3 of section Westlan 2 n Ho sp ital and Charitable Aid Board and Westland Hospital Trustees.— Similar to above. . _ ,_,.., , 121 North Canterbury Hospital Board— Similar to above. W2 Picton, Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.—Similar to above 123 Nelson Hospital, and Charitable Aid Board.—That this Board considers that real estate already bears'a sufficient share of the cost of hospital and charitable aid without further increasing it by a reduction of the Government subsidy. 7—H. 22a.