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79. Grey District Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That clause 38 be struck out, with the object of relieving local bodies of the cost of new buildings, which should be provided, as heretofore, by Government grants and special effort in the districts requiring new hospitals. 80. Wairarapa District Hospital Board. —Section 38: That the words "or committee" should be inserted after the word " Board " in line 2 of subclause (1) of this section. Appeal by Contributing Local Authority. 81. North Canterbury Hospital Board.— Clause 39, (1) and (2), referring to appeal: This Board considers that appeal should be made to the Supreme Court, instead of to Commissioners or the Minister. Maintenance and Establishment of Settlement. 82. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That in subsection (2) of section 71 (fourth line) the word " Board " be substituted for the word " Court." 83. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board.— That provision be made in the Act giving Boards power to. recover cost of hospital-maintenance out of sums due to patients under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act and its amendments. 84. Coromandel Hospital Trusts. —That provision be made for giving an institution powerto recover the cost of hospital-maintenance out of the sums due to patients under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act, and also that old-age pensioners' pensions should be attached for the same reason. 85. Waitaki Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —Section 74 : That this clause be amended to provide that, where relief is granted to a person who has resided less than twelve months in that particular district, the Board or Trustees may recover from the Board of the district in which such person has last resided for twelve months the entire cost of such relief. 86. Waitaki Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —Section 75 : That the last clause be altered to read, "That the cost of maintaining such inmate (not exceeding a rate of eight shillings per week) shall be defrayed by the Board of the district in which the parent or guardian has resided for twelve months. 87. Stratford Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That provision be made in the Act for recovery of cost of maintenance from the persons treated by the Board which is liable. 88. Ashburton and North Canterbury Charitable Aid Board. —Section 74,, relating to relief to persons from beyond a Board's district, should be recast on the lines of a suggestion submitted to the Inspector-General in October, 1907, somewhat as follows: "Where any person who receives relief at the hands of a Board or. the Trustees of a separate institution has not at the time of first receiving such relief therefrom resided for the period of one year in. the district within which such Board or Trustees control the administration, the Board or the Trustees, as the case may be, may recover the whole cost of such .relief from the Trustees or the Board of the district in which such person last resided for one whole year: Provided that during the time any such person is in a hospital or other institution or separate institution, or in receipt of outdoor relief in the district within which such person has taken abode, no such person shall be deemed to have been resident therein for the purposes of establishing settlement within the meaning of this section." 89. North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That patients treated in an institution beyond the district in which they reside shall not be a charge on the Board of the district in which such patient had resided prior to entering such institution, unless admitted on an ordersigned by the Secretary or a member of the said Board. 90. Ashburton and North Canterbury CharitaUle Aid Board. —The liability for cost of maintenance of all children committed under the Industrial Schools Act should be borne by the State and not by local Boards. This view is supported by the strong opinion expressed by the Conference of charitable-aid authorities held in Wellington in 1904. 90a. Wellington District Hospital Board. —That this Board considers that. provision should be made in the new Bill whereby Harbour Boards should be placed as a medium for purpose of liability for the cost of all accidents occurring about shipping. SEPARATE INSTITUTIONS. Proposed placing of Separate Institutions under Control of District Boards. 91. Coromandel, Hospital Trustees'! — Second Schedule: That the name of the Coromandel Institution should be included in this schedule. 92. Waitaki Hospital and, Charitable Aid Board. — That administration of relief by the separate institutions in this district has met with the complete approval of the Charitable Aid Board and the public, and this Conference urges that in the new Bill provision be made for the continuance of separate institutions, as defined in the Act of 1885, in districts where they have given satisfaction in the past, and where the public desire it. Incorporation of Separate Institutions. 93. Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. —That when a separate institution is to be established, the promoters shall once a week for four weeks advertise in some local paper their intention of making application to the Minister for the purpose. 94. Wairarapa District Hospital Board .—Section 51 : The committee is of opinion that no separate institution should be incorporated without the sanction of the Board of the district in which the proposed institution will be situated. 95. Oamaru Hospital Trustees. —Section 51: Subsection (1) to be altered to read, "Any institution that is not or is not intended to be maintained wholly or in part out of the funds of