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24th June, 1908. —Submitted to Minister, who asked Under Secretary to obtain explanation from Commissioner as to the Board's reasons for deciding to adopt this proposal regarding Run 43, after previously deciding that run was suitable for subdivision. Memo. (29th June, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking for a full explanation regarding Board's action in cancelling its former resolution that Lots I and 2 of 43 were suitable for subdivision, and then subsequently recommending that a new lease of whole area be offered Mr. Black. Memo. (2nd July, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, detailing circumstances which led Board to reverse former decision re 43. Memo. (Bth July, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, forwarding Commissioner's explanation, and recommending Minister's approval to Board's subsequent resolution that Mr. Black be offered a Renewal of his lease. Memo. (10th July, 1908) from Minister to Valuer-fieneral, asking for a report on Run 43, as to whether run is capable of subdivision. Memo. (30th July, 1908) from Valuer-General to Minister, forwarding District Valuer Lewis's (Gisborne) report, in which he states that Run 43 could be suitably subdivided into three lots, and details proposals to effect this, with explanatory tracing attached clearly indicating position. Minute (30th July, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, stating that he saw Mr. Black, and had informed him that he declined to agree to grant a renewal. Memo. (Bth August, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, forwarding Valuer-General's report, and stating that in view of such report —that Run 43 could be suitably subdivided into smaller areas—Minister cannot see his way to agree to grant a renewal to Mr. Black. Resolution (14th August, 1908) of Land Board indorsing Valuer-General's report that Run 43 be subdivided into three lots, and offered under the optional system. Memo. (19th August, 1908) from Commissioner to Mr. Black, advising him that it has been finally decided that a renewal cannot be granted him of 43. Memo. (19th August, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretarv, advising Board adopted Valuer-General's report re subdividing Run 43 into three areas, and notified Mr. Black accordingly. Telegram (Ist September, 1908) from Black to Minister: Notice re offer 900 acres of Run 43 issued by Commissioner. Telegram (Ist September, 1908) from Minister to Black, asking for copy of notice re offer of 900 acres as stated. Telegram (Ist September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking for copy of notice that Mr. Black states he received on authority of Under-Secretary. Memo. (Ist September, 1908) from Commissioner sending copy of notice forwarded by him to Mr. Black, and-detailing circumstances of how it came to be issued. Copy of notice referred to above. Letter (3rd September, 1908) from Mr. Black to Commissioner, acknowledging receipt of Commissioner's letter conveying final decision that a renewal for 43 could not be granted, and further remarks. Memo. (4th September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, explaining position regarding notice sent to Mr. Black in connection with offer of renewal of 900 acres at an increased rental; also clearly defining position caused by the neglect of the Commissioner to notify Mr. Black that the Board had altered its views respecting its former decision, thereby allowing Black to continue thinking that he was to obtain a lease of 900 acres in accordance with the Board's recommendations as detailed in notice sent to Mr. Black. Memo. (Bth September, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, forwarding copy of notice referred to, in which it is stated Ministerial authority was granted to Mr. Black obtaining 900 acres, and requesting Under-Secretary to call on Commissioner to show the authority for his statement that Minister approved recommendation of Land Board. Copy of notice referred to in preceding memo. Telegram (10th September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Commissioner, asking authority for his statement that Minister approved recommendation of Land Board to grant Mr. Black 900 acres of Run 13. Memo. (10th September, 1908) from Commissioner to Under-Secretary, setting forth his reasons for issuing notice to Mr. Black. Copy of Mr. Black S'letter referred to in preceding memo. Memo. (14th September, 1908) from Under-Secretary to Minister, forwarding particulars of howMr. Black was notified of approval of Board and Minister respecting the proposed lease of 900 acres. Minute (14th September, 1908) from Minister to Under-Secretary, asking, in view of the mistaken meaning given to Minister's memo, of 4th March, 1908, and Mr. Black's application for preference over one of the three subdivisions, whether one of the areas of 900 acres or thereabouts could be given him as a small grazing-run. the other two being put up on the optional tenure. Memo, to Commissioner (15th September, 1908) by Under-Secretary, asking whether a lease of 900 acres could be given Mr. Black as a small grazing-run. &c. Memo, from Commissioner (16th September, 1908) to Under-Secretary, submitting suggestions for the proposed subdivision of Run 43. Tracing attached illustrating proposals.