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Kaikouha Domain. Section No. 2 of 267, Suburbs of Kaikotira. and Sections Nos. 2, 346, and 349, Block X, Mount Fylfe Survey District. Area, 81 acres 2 roods 18 perches. No improvements effected during the year. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantations, and conveniences. Used for i aces and ritle-shooting. Monkey Faob Domain. Section No. 5, Block 111, Hundalee Survey District. Area, 333 acres. This domain is not used by the public. It is leased. No improvements have been effected, with the exception of boundary-fences, which are the property of the lessee. Omaka Domain. Sections Nos. 31 and part 2of 33, Block 111, Taylor Pass Survey District. Area, 242 acres. Work done during year: Draining and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fences, drams, plantations, and cottage. Used for cricket, football, sports, and grazing. Pelorus Domain. Sections Nos. 26, Block VIII, Heringa Survey District, and 66 (Te Ilau Island), Block XI, Wakamarina Survey District. Area, 22 acres. No improvements effected; land not used. Nine acres of the domain is an island in the Pelorus River, subject to floods. The remaining 13 acres is in native bush. SkddON Domain. Section No. 9, Block VII, Town of Seddon. Area, 13 acres 2 roods 3 perches. Work done during year: Crass sown and stones removed. Improvements now on domainFences, 2 acres plantation, and concrete cricket-pitch. Used for picnics, cricket, football, and sports. Pi,,posed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees. Takahanga Domain. Section No. 410, Town of Kaikotira. Area, 19 acres 2 roods 24 perches. Work .hme during year: Fences and conveniences erected. Improvements now on domainFences, gates, plantation, ami conveniences. Used for cricket, tennis, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Levelling an area for a cricket-ground.

WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT. An a ui! a Domain. Sections Nos. 12, Block 1, Ahaura Survey District, and 30, Block XIII, Mawhera-iti Survey District. Area, 100 acres. Improvements now on domain: Fences, buildings, and racing-track. Used principally for training horses. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting fences. Domain. deserves Nos. 258 and 290, Town of Dobson. Area, s acres 2 roods. No new works undertaken. Used for football and cricket. Ki m mia Domain. Sections Nos. 221 and 824, Town of Kumara. Area, 2 acres 2 roods 27 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, draining, clearing, and grassing. Used for football hockey, cricket, and picnics. Moana Domain. Section No. 954, Block IV, Brunner Survey District. Area, 8 acres 1 rood 10 perches. This area was brought under the provisions of " The Public Domains Act, 1881," on the 18th November, 11)07. About (i acres has been felled, and a small portion fenced. Since the close of the year a Domain Board was appointed to control the domain. Rimu Domain. Section No. 356, Block V, Kanieri Survey District. Area, .""> acres and 19 percheK. Work done during year: Domain securely fenced and two gates erected. Improvements on domain: Fences. Used for cricket. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Clearing, levelling forming running-track, and planting trees. Ross Domain. Situated in Town of Ross. Area, 3 acres 3 roods 16 perches. Work done during year : Shed and fences erected and trees planted. Improvements now on dnmam : fences, sheds, drains, and trees. Used for picnics, cricket, football, sports, and trotting Proposed operations for ensuing year: Draining, enlarging and improving ground, and planting t |t 't 'X .