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New Golden Cross. —A syndicate has taken up a portion of the claim belonging to the old Waitekauri Company, and reopened two of the old adit levels. Kour men were employed prospecting small blocks of ore left by the former company, hut nothing of importance has been revealed. Durbar. —This mine is situated at Waitekauri, and is a portion of the Alpha ground, where a considerable amount of work was done formerly. The present company's operations are confined to prospecting in the upper levels, and a parcel of 100 tons of ore was mined and sold to the Koiuata Reefs Company at £1 19s. per ton. Another parcel of 10 tons was treated at the Day Dawn and Norfolk Company's battery. Four men were employed, and the mine, when inspected, was found in good order. Ilmiinii. —A considerable amount of driving and rising has been done. Samples of ore taken from the reef worked were satisfactory. New Zealand Jubilee Mine. —Mining operations have been directed to the Horn level section, where the main lode has been driven on for 363 ft. south, but no payable ore was encountered. Altogether. 700 ft. has been driven, risen, and crosscut. Five men were employed. Ohinemuri. Talisman Consolidated (Limited). —In the mine at Nos. 11 (river-level) and 12 levels (200 ft.) the payable ore in the Bonanza section has been found to extend much further south than it did in the upper workings, and the values have also shown an improvement. In the bottom level, No. 13 (400 ft.), in the Southern section, ore of a very high grade has been met with, the richer portion of which is being bagged for shipment During the coming year it is intended to continue vigorous development southward on Nos. 11, 12, and 13 levels, and as soon as the new power plant is available shaft-sinking will be resumed. A new power plant will also be installed, having sufficient capacity to supply all probable requirements. The past year has been the most profitable one the company has experienced, and the general appearance of the mine indicates that the present year should show equally favourable results. I regret to announce that one fatal accident happened at this mine, but through no carelessness or lack of precaution on the part of the management. For the year, 46,025 tons of ore were treated, for a value of £184,445, being a decrease in tonnage and an increase of £32,434. An average of 320 men were employed. New Zealand Crown Mines (Limited). —The main shaft has been sunk a depth of 10 ft. only, making a depth of 46 ft. below No. 5 level (481 ft.) and 526 ft. below the Waitawheta Tunnel. On'the No. 5 level a winze was sunk to a depth of 234 ft., when a stream of water was struck, which absorbed the surplus pumping-power, and sinking had to be suspended. The water flowing from the winze gave off a small volume of sulphuretted-hydrogen gas. The sinking of the main shaft was suspended pending the erection of machinery of efficient pumping No. 5 level (481 ft.), south of the main-incline shaft, has been extended a distance of 229 ft., making a total distance of 2,094 ft. driven from the shaft. During the extension of the drive a shoot of ore, 5 ft. in width and 120 ft. in length, was met with, carrying an assay-value of £6 per ton. A crosscut has been started from No. 5 level for the purpose of cutting the new reef, which is situated about 480 ft. east of the Crown lode. A distance of 128 ft. has been driven. In the upper workings the new reef yielded good values, and should it make good values down below the Waitawheta level the crosscut will open up a large area of ground for stoping. The New Reef section, Waitawheta level (river-level), south of the south-east crosscut, has been extended 405 ft., making the total distance driven from the crosscut 717 ft. 10 in. The average width of the reef was 1 ft. 1 in., and the average value of the ore £1 4s. 9d. per ton. No. 1 level (86 ft.), No. 2 level (155 ft.), No. 3 level (226 ft.), and No. 4 level (340 ft.), above the Waitawheta level, were extended for about the same distance (400 ft.), and the values ranged from £2 to £4 per ton. No. 1 rise has been extended, making a total height of 678 ft. above the Waitawheta level, and connected by a drive from the side of the Karangahake Mountain, considerably improving the ventilation in tinNew Reef section. The company's water-race on the Ohinemuri River, which was destroyed in the early part of the year, is now being reconstructed, and the milling plant has been worked by steam. The mine was inspected on several occasions, and found to be in good order. An average of 160 men were employed. At the company's mill 22 072 tons of ore were treated, for a value of £57,242, showing a substantial increase over the previous year. Cjmstock United. —This mine has not yet emerged from the prospecting stage. Early in the year a company was formed, and their attention has been directed to driving on a lode of considerable width, and, from samples of ore taken, it is said that there are sections carrying fair values. Considering the length of the drive, the ventilation, caused by a line of pipes and a water-tromp on the • xhaust system, is very good. For upwards of thirteen years Mr. Tregoweth has held to the mine, spending an amount of capital and carrying out a great amount of prospecting. The mine, when inspected, was found in good order. An average of five men were employed. Karangahake Gold-mining Company. —This company opened up a claim early in the year, and carried on mining operations most vigorously. Two levels were driven into the hill, with a view of cutting the Woodstock reef. When No. 1 level (70 ft. deep) had been driven a distance of 25 ft., a new leader was cut, and samples taken. Prospecting on the outcrop of the leader revealed some very rich specimens. A winze was then sunk for 15 ft. on the leader, at which depth stone showing gold freely was found. A low level—No. 2 (120 ft.) —has been commenced, the intention being to cut the leader at a depth. An average'of seventeen men were employed. Te Aroha District. Ilanlijs Mines (Limited). —This company's mine was under protection for some time, and later in the year a contract was let to drive a tunnel, about 125 ft. below the Colonist No. 4 level.