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hindrance to sinking, but below this depth the work has been conducted with less trouble. As the shaft was securely timbered, and new guides and mine-cages were installed prior to the time of closing down, the unwatering of the mine will lie effected by the pump and baling with tanks, and it is expected that very little damage will be done to the shaft by the rising of the water. The mine was inspected during the year. Only one accident of a serious nature happened, through a piece of rock and a lining-hoard falling down the shaft and striking a workman on the head. An average of twenty men were employed up to the time of closing down. Walker's (ligantic Mine. —Alter a considerable amount of prospecting work had been carried out in the way of driving and sinking, the mine was closed down and protection applied for. Pride of Waihi. —This property is situated north-east of the Kxtended Mine. Last year some prospecting was done from the Kxtended Mine l>v the company, who started a prospecting drive, which, however, was not extended for any great length. The property has been under protection for a greater part of the year. Waihi East Syndicate. —This syndicate's mine adjoins the Waihi-Gladstone, and the work carried out consists of driving a prospecting adit level. A lode was cut and driven on for some length. The manager intends driving towards the Gladstone property, in hopes of cutting one or more of the ore-bodies said to be running into the mine. Two men were employed, and at the time of my visit operations were being carried on satisfactorily. Waihi Gladstone Mine. —The company have done a considerable amount of pro peering, hut with very little success. A crosscut was driven a .distance of 400 ft. at the No. 2 level 200 ft.), making a total distance of 600 ft. from the shaft. Several ore-bodies were cut through, but they yielded unremunerative values. The last lode cut is 13 ft. wide, but the ore proving poor in this place, and the ventilation being indifferent, further prospecting on the lode was postponed for a time. The work was done by contract, and an average of four men were employed. Ohinemuri Hirer Syndicate. —Very little work has been done on this claim for the past year, but I am informed that additional capital has been raised, and that preparations are being made for the addition of new machinery to the plant. Waihi Beach. —The chief work for the year was the extension of the north and south drives on the Treasure Island reef, where encouraging prospects are said to have been met with. The lode has been driven on south of the crosscut for a distance of 154 ft., with an average width of 3 ft. 6 in. The North section was driven a distance of 47 ft., making a total length of 757 ft. north of the crosscut. Assays were made, and the average value is said to be about £2 I Is. lOd. The lode in the North section is about 5 ft. wide, and as it is intact from the level 355 ft. deep, there is a considerable quantity of ore to be stoped, and should this ore-body retain the same value throughout its length and height, it will be a valuable one. The north-east drive, on the Treasure Island lode, was known to be approaching a huge reef, and a dam was constructed to prevent the flooding of the mine in the event of a sudden influx of water when the reef was cut. Unfortunately a great inrush of water was occasioned by cutting into the reef, with the result that either the dam was carried away, or that the leakage through the dam was sufficiently large to permit the flooding of the mine. Consequently operation; were suspended pending the erection of additional machinery and the installation of another pump to cope with the water. The company has expended £14,300 in prospecting and developing the mine. It is said that the expense of carting machinery and coal to the mine is greatly augmented through there being no formed road from Waihi. The Ohinemuri County Council intend making a road to the mine, towards the construction of which the Mines Department will give assistance. The mine was inspected during^ and found to be in good order. An average of twelve men were employed. Katikati. The ElizaClaim. —Prospecting-work has been done, with but little success. A low level was driven, towards which the Mines Department granted a subsidy. A track was constructed from Thompson's the mine, enabl ng supplies to be brought in with greater convenience than hitherto. It is intended to drive a tunnel from the level of the creek into the lull, which will provide fully 200 ft. of backs. Owharoa. I Using Sun Claim. —-During the year a little driving was done on a reef in the adit level, and encouraging prospects having been met with, the manager decided to prospect. A winze was sunk and driving done on the reef, from which good valuesTwere obtained. The reef is loin. wide. An average of four men were employed. Waitekauri. New Waitekauri. —The mine is a portion of the property belonging to the old Waitekauri Goldmining Company, and has an area of over 9 acres. Mining operations for the year have been confined to stoping and ri ing on a block of ore left in by the old company. The block is situated between the Horn and the Queen levels, and the lode averages 4 ft. in width and is 900 It. long. The mine is connected with the mill by a ground-tram 3,200 ft. in extent, and also by an aerial tramway 800 ft. long. 254 tons of ore was crushed, for a yield of 152 oz., giving a value of £265 17s. 6d. An average of thirteen men were employed. Maoriland. —Operations have principally been confined to stoping on a block of ore above the adit level, from which 934 tons were crushed, for a value of £1,234 14s. Better results were expected, and, as the owners are mostly working-men, the demand made on them to meet the difference of expenditure over income caused great inconvenience, and consequently the mine has been closed down and protection granted.