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3. In any case where any person prohibited as aforesaid unlawfully lauds in the said Islands such persons shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds (£5O), and shall also be liable to be removed from the said Islands, and pending such removal to be detained in prison, quarantine, or other safe OUfltody. 1. The master and owner of the vessel by which such person was brought to the said Islands shall l)o jointly and severally liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds (.£5O) in respect of each such person, and shall also be liable to lake away such person from the said Islands, and to defray the expenses incurred by the Government in respect of such person's removal from the said Islands, and (if his detention and maintenance in the said Islands pending such removal: Provided thai no proceedings shall be taken against such master or owner after the expiration (>r three calendar months from the date of such person so unlawfully landing , as aforesaid. 5. The Collector of Customs or other officer shall not be lx>und to give any vessel a olearanoe until the master or owner thereof has duly complied with the provisions of this Ordinance, nor until all penalties and other moneys payable bj such master or owner hereunder have been fully paid or secured. 6. The Resident Commissioner or a Resident European Magistrate may take all steps necessary to secure the removal from the said Islands of any person so unlawfully landing as aforesaid, and for that purpose may authorise any (-(instable of police to take such person into custody, and afterwards to place him on board ship, and the master of such ship shall keep such l>erson on board and (if necessary) under custody until the ship sails. 7. The Resident Commissionei may from time to time as he thinks fit— (1.) Declare any disease to be a contagious or infectious disease which is loathsome or dangerous withjn the meaning of the Ordinance: (2.) Make such regulations as he deems neoessary for inspecting vessels, their passengers, crews, and papers, in order to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance, including the imjK)sition of penalties not exceeding fift\ T pounds ( £.")0) for the breach of such regulations. Such regulations shall be published in the Cook Islands Gazette. 8. All complaints under this Ordinance shall be heard before a European Judge of the High Court of the Cook Islands, or before a European Resident Magistrate. Passed this 27th day of April, 1907. G. Savage, [Assented to by the Governor, 6th June, 1907. J Clerk to Council. Fbdibal Obdinancb No. 20.— Resident Agents' Courts Jurisdiction Ohdinancb, 1907. An Ordinance to extend the Jurisdiction of Resident Agents' Courts Bβ it enacted by the Federal Council of the Cook and Northern Islands as follows: — 1. The Shorl Title of tins Ordinance is " The Resident Agents' Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1907." 2. It shall be lawful for tiny European Resident Agent exercising jurisdiction by virtue of section 5 of "The Cook and other Inlands Government Act Amendment Act, 1904," to hear and determine any of the following matters : — (1.) An\ offence against the laws now or hereafter in force within the said Cook and Northern Islands committed in the island within which the Resident Agent thereof has jurisdiction: Provided that such offence lie not murder or assault with intent to commit murder or manslaughter. (2.) Any civil case or dispute (other than divorce proceedings) between Maoris, Europeans, or Europeans and Maoris, where the matter at issue shall not exceed in value fifty pounds. .'{. A European Resident Agent exercising jurisdiction as aforesaid shall in all cases of murder or assault with intent to commit murder or manslaughter, and may in his discretion in any other offence, or in any civil case or dispute as aforesaid, remit the same to be heard before the High Court of the Cook Islands or a European Judge thereof. 4. It shall l>e lawful for any person aggrieved by any decision of a European Resident Agent in which the anion nt of fine or money ordered to lie paid shall exceed one pound to appeal therefrom to the Sigh Court of the Cook Islands: Provided that notice in writing of such appeal be given to such Resident Agent within fourteen days from the date of such decision, and that the person appealing deposit with such Resident Agent the amount of any fine or othor money ordered lo be paid, and also the sum of ten shillings fee for such appeal. 5. In all matters within the jurisdiction of a European Resident Agent by virtue of this Ordinance such European Resident Agent shall have the like power for enforcing his decision as is possessed by the High Court of the Cook Islands. 6. The Chief Judge of the Cook and other Islands Land Titles Court may by writing authorise a European Resident Agent to take evidence in any matter concerning land in the island within which such European Resident Agent has jurisdiction, and such evidence shall be taken in writing, and when completed shall be forwarded to the Registrar of the said Cook and other Islands Land Titles Court, and shall form part of the records thereof. 7. The Following are herein repeated : Sections 24, 39, and 40 of "The Statute of Rarotonga. 1899 " ; sections 24, 41, and 42 of " The Statute of Aiiu, Mauke, and Mitiaro. 1899 "; sections 21, 38, and 39 of "The Statute of Mangaia, 1899"; sections 49, 50, and 51 of "The Statute of Aitutnki, 1899"; and section 6 of "The Islands Statutes Amendment Act. 1900." Passed this 27th day of April, 1907. G. Savage, [Assented to by the Governor, 6th June, 1907.] Clerk to Council.