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No. 13. Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 16th August, 1906. I am in'receipt of your letter of the 2-1 th July, forwarding Federal Ordinance No. 18, "The Fruii Inspection and Fumigation Ordinance, lit()6." As indicated in the Bon. Mr. Milk's letter of the tth instant, it is probable that the question of fumigating fruit for export from the [elands will be allowed to stand oTer for the present. I •propose, therefore, to hold the Ordinance in abeyance until the question is finally settled. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. James McGowa.n.

No. 14. Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 2*th September, 1906. 1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letters, dated respectively the l(it!i and 21st August last. A- previously stated in tny letter of the 16th August, ! propose to hold the bruit Inspection and Fumigation Ordinance in abeyance for the present. I am anxious to Bee how the present arrangements for the inspection of fruii work out before taking any further steps, am! 1 shall !«• obliged if )»ou will furnish me with a report on the matter a little later on. I have, &C, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. Jambs MoGowan.

No. 15. Sir, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 25th July, 1906. I have the honour n> forward for the assent of His Excellency the amended form of the Mangaian Local Ordinance No. 1. I have, <fee, W. E. GUDGKON, Resident Commissioner. The lion. C. H. Mills, Minister administering Island*. No. 16. Sir,— Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington, 15th August, 1906. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th July, forwarding tht Mangaian lx>cal Ordinance No. 1 (" Manguia Village Regulation Ordinance, 1905 "), approved by the Council in the printed form in which it was returned to you. I now beg to forward this Ordinance duly assented to by His Excellency the Governor. I have, &c, The Resilient Commissioner, Rarotonga. Jams McGowan. No. 17. Sir,— Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 29th April, 1907. 1 have the honour to forward enclosed three Ordinances passed by Island and Federal Councils respectively—viz., Federal Ordinance No. 20, extending jurisdiction of Resident Agents' Courts; Local Ordinance No. 6, water-supply; Federal Ordinance No. 19, immigrants restriction. No. 20 defines the duties of the most important Courts in the Islands, and confers powers that were hitherto wanting. No. 6 enables the local Government to fix a water rate and carry out the scheme to its natural limit. No. I!) is probably of greater importance than the other two Ordinances, since it provides machinery to aid in insuring the bealth and well-being of the people of these Islands, and will .liable us l<. prevent the spread of loatlisotne and OOntagioUS diseases from Tahiti. 1 have therefore the honour to request the approval of His Excellency the Governor. I have, <fee, W. E. Gudgeon, The Hon. the Minister administering the Islands. Resident Commissioner. Enclosures. Federal Ordinance Xo. 19.—Immigrants Restriction Ordinance, 1907. An Ordinance to prevent the Landing in the Cook and Northern Islands of Persons suffering from Diseases. Bl IT enacted by the Federal Council of the Cook and Northern Islands as follows: — 1 The' Short Title of this Ordinance shall be " The Immigrants Restriction Ordinance, 1907." l>. It shall not be lawful for any person suffering from a contagious or infectious disease which is loathsome or dangerous to be brought to or to land in the said Islands.

No. 16. Sir, — Cook and other Islands Administration. Wellington, 15th August, 1906. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th July, forwarding the Mangaian lx>cal Ordinance No. 1 (" Mangaia Village Regulation Ordinance, 1905 "), approved by the Council iii the printed form in which it was returned to yon. I now beg to forward ilii*- Ordinance duly assented to by His Excellency the Governor. I have, &c, The Resideni Commissioner, Rarotoug*. James McGowan.

No. 17. SiH, — Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 29th April, 1907. 1 luive the honour to forward enclosed three Ordinances passed by Island and Federal Couuoila respectively—viz., Federal Ordinance No. 20, extending jurisdiction of Resident Agents' Courts; Local Ordinance No. 6, water-supply; Federal Ordinance No. 19, immigrants restriction . No. '20 defines the duties of the most important Courts in the Islands, and confers [vowers that were hitherto wanting. Nβ. 6 enables the local Government to fix a water rate and carr}' out the scheme to its natural limit. No. I!) La probably of greater importanoe than the other two Ordinances, since it provides machinery t<> aid in insuring the health and well-being of the people of these [elands, and will enable 'us bo preveni the spread of loathsome and oontagious diseases from Tahiti. I have therefore the honour to request the approval of His Excellency the Governor. I have, <fee, W. E. Gudgeon, The Hon. the Minister administering the Islands. Resident Commissioner.

Enclosures. Federal Ordinance Xo. 19.— Immigrants Restriction Ordinance, 1907. ,\\ Ordinance i<> prevent the Landing in the Cook and Northern Islands of Persons suffering from Diseases. Bk it enacted by the Federal Council of the Cook and Northern [elands as follows: — I The Short Title of (his Ordinance shall Ik- " The Immigrants Restriction Ordinance, 1907." ■1. It slnill not be lawful for any person suffering from a contagious or infections disease which ig loathsome or dangerous to be brought to or to land in the said Islands.