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wards the south-west by the said Coringa Road to the road intersecting Section No. 6113 of Block V, Christchurch Survey District; thence again towards the north-west by the lastmentioned road and its continuation in a north-easterly direction through a reserve to Fleshborn Road ; thence by the said Fleshborn Road and the eastern side of the said Fleshborn Road produced to the right bank of Baile's Island in the Waimakariri River ; thence towards the east generally by the southern, western, and northern boundaries of the said Baile's Island to a point in line with the eastern side of Harr's Road ; thence by a right line to the said eastern side of Harr's Road, and by the last-mentioned road to its junction with Eyre Road ; thence by the Waimakariri Road to its junction with the Rangiora-Waimakariri Road ; thence by the said Rangiora-Waimakariri Road to its junction with the Oxford and Kaiapoi Road ; thence by the said Oxford and Kaiapoi Road to Section No. 8118, Block IX, Rangiora Survey District; thence again towards the west by the said section to the Cust River ; thence by the Oust River, the road forming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 11210 and 11446, Block IX, Rangiora Survey District, to the OxfordRangiora Railway-line; thence by the Oxford-Rangiora Railway-line, and thence towards the west by the Hurunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the place of com mencement. Christchurch North. This uistrict is bounded towards the north-west by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the north-western corner of the City of Christchurch to the junction of Innos Road and Shirley Road ; thence towards the east generally by a line along the middle of Shirley Road to Hills Road ; thence along the middle of Hills Road to Fowke Street; thence along the middle of Fowke Street to North Avon Road ; thence along the middle of North Avon Road to Bealey Avenue; thence along the middle of Bealey Avenue to Churchill Street; and thence along the middle of Churchill Street to the River Avon ; thence towards the south by the River Avon to the middle of Salisbury Street; thence by a line along the middle of Salisbury Street to Colombo Street; thence again towards tho east by a line along the middle of Colombo Street to a point in Cathedral Square in line with the middle of Worcester Street; thence again towards the south by a line along the middle of Worcester Street to Rolleston Avenue; and thence along Rolleston Avonue from the middle of Worcester Street about 2 chains; and thence by a right line parallel to Worcester Street to the western boundary of Hagley Park; and thence towards the west by the western boundary of Hagley Park and the western boundary of the City of Christchurch to the place of commencement. Christchurch East. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Colombo Street and Salisbury Street to the eastern end of Bealey Avenue ; thence by a line along the middle of London Street to Perth Street; thence towards the east generally by a line along tho middle of Perth Street to Victoria Street; thence by a line along the middle of Victoria Street to a point in line with the western boundary of Allotment No. 11 ; thence to and by the western boundary of that allotment and of Allotment No. 10 to Heywood Terrace ; thence by a lino along the middle of the street which runs from the eastern end of Heywood Terrace to the eastern end of Windsor Terrace ; thence along tho middle of Windsor Terrace to Templar Street; thence along the middle of Templar Street to the River Avon; thence by the River Avon to a point in line with the middle of Fitzgerald Avenue ; thence by a line to and along the middle of Fitzgerald Avenue to Ferry Road ; thence along the middle of Ferry Road to Wilson's Road ; thence along the middle of Wilson's Road to Shakespeare Road; thence towards the south generally by a line along the middle of Shakespeare Road to Thackeray Street; thence along the middle of Thackeray Street to Darwin Street; thence along the middle of Darwin Street to Waltham Road ; thence along the middle of Waltham Road to Brougham Street; thence along the middle of Brougham Street to Colombo Street; and thence towards the west by a line along the middle of Colombo Street to its junction with Salisbury Street, the place of commencement. Christchurch South. This district is bounded towards the north by the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the western boundary of Hagley Park to Cathedral Square ; thence towards the east and again towards the north by the Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Wilson's Road; thence towards the southeast by a line along the middle of Wilson's Road to the Heath-

cote River ; thence by the Heathcote River to the middle of Tennyson Street; thence towards the south generally by a line along the middle of Tennyson Street to Colombo Road ; thence along tho middle of Colombo Road to Strickland Street; thence along the middle of Strickland Street to Jackson's Creek; thence along the south side of Jackson's Creek to Jerrold Street; thence along the middle of Jerrold Street to Bright's Road ; thence by a line along the middle of Bright's Road to Lincoln Road; thence by Lincoln Road to Moorehouse Avenue ; thence along the middle of Moorehouse Avenue to the western boundary of Hagley Park; and thence by the western boundary of Hagley Park to the place of commencement. RICCAKTON. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Hurunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from a point on tho Oxford-Rangiora Railway-line where it is intersected by the south-western boundary-line of Section No. 1889, Block VIII, Oxford Survey District, to a point due north of Trig. Station C3O, Rolleston Survey District; thence towards the north-east by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the last-mentioned point to the road forming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 11446 and 11210, Block IX, Rangiora Survey District, to the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence again towards the east by the said Christchurch North Electoral District to the Christchurch South Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; thence by the said Christchurch South Electoral District to Milton Street; thence towards the south-east by the said Milton Street to its junction with Barrington Road ; thence again towards the north-east by the said Barrington Road to the Heathcote River; thence by the said Heathcote River to the plantation and road reserve separating Sections Nos. 382 and 383, Block XV, Christchurch Survey District; thence by the north side of tho said plantation and road reserve to Hoon Hay Road ; thence by the said Hoon Hay Road to the road intersecting Section No. 383 aforesaid ; thence by the road forming the northern and western boundaries of Section No. 1325, Block XV aforesaid, and by the road forming the western boundary of Sections Nos. 2063, 31362, 31363, 2231, and the road intersecting Sections Nos. 10210 and 493 to the road forming the north-western and south-western boundaries of Section No. 452, Block 111, Halswell Survey District, and by the last-mentioned road and the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 338 to the north-eastern boundaryline of Section No. 491 of the said Block III ; thence by the north-eastern and south-eastern boundary-lines of the'lastmentioned section to the easternmost corner of Section No. 520, and by the southern boundary-line of the lastmentioned section to Section No. 521 ; thence by the southeastern boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to the south-western boundary-lino of Section No. 22939; thence by the south-western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to the north-western boundary-line of Section No. 1130; thence by the said section No. 1130 to the northernmost corner of Section No. 3044; thence by the said Sectirn No. 3044 ; thence towards the south by the south-western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 485 and 522, all of Block 111, of the said Halswell Survey District, and the north-western boundaryline of the last-mentioned section to Burkes Bush Road north; thence by the last - mentioned road to the northwestern corner of Section No. 8098, Block 11, Halswell Survey District; thence by a continuation of that road to the Halswell River ; thence by the said Halswell River to a point in line with the northern side of Leadley's Road; thence by a right line to the said Leadley's Road ; thence by the said road to the Southbridge Railway Branch Line; thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the Harewood and Hampton Road ; thence by the last-mentioned road to Great South Road ; thence again towards the southeast by the said Great South Road to the Dunedin and Christchurch Railway-line ; thence by the said railway-line to the right bank of the Selwyn River ; thence by a right line to the middle of the said Selwyn River ; thence again towards the south by the middle of the last-mentioned river to a pointin line with the south-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 27299, Block 111, Selwyn Survey District; thence towards the north-west generally by a right line to the southeastern corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence towards the north-west by the last-mentioned section to the Greendale and Station Road ; thence by the said Greendale and Station Road to the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 30432 of the said Block III ; thence by the lastmentioned road to its junction with the Hawkins and Burnham Road ; thence by the Hawkins and Burnham Road to Strange's Road; thence by the said Strange's Road to Bealey's Road; thence by the said Bealey's Road to the Selwyn and Waimakariri Road ; thence by the said Selwyn and Waimakariri Road and the last-mentioned road produced to the middle of the Waimakariri River ; thence again towards the south-west by the middle of the said Waimakariri