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Wanganui. This district is bounded towards the west and north-cast by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea to the Wanganui River : thence towards the east by the Wanganui River to the Wellington - New Plymouth Railway-line: thence towards the north by the railway-line to Section No. 73 in Block 11, Ikitara Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 73, 75, and 74 to the south-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section: thence again towards the cast by the road intersecting Sections Nos. 55 and 40, and foiming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 107, 106, 105, and 104 : and thence towards the south by the road known m No. 1 Line and its continuation westerly to the Wanganui River ; thence by the left bank of the Wanganui River to the sea ; and thence by the sea to the place of commencemert. Rangitikei. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Taumarunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Wanganui River to the junction of the Waiouru-Tokaanu and Waiouru-Ohakune Roads ; thence by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the summit of the Ruahine Range : thence towards the east by the summit of the Ruahine Range to the northern boundary of the Umutoi Survey District: thence towards the south generally by the Umutoi Survey District to the road at the south-eastorn corner of Section No. 10, Block XIII, Ruahine Survey District; thence by the road intersecting the said Section No. 16, and fronting Sections Nos. 15 and 14, Block XIII aforesaid, and fronting Sections Nos. 20 and 21, Block XVI, Hautapu Survey District, to the north-western corner of the lastmentioned section ; thence by Sections Nos. 21 and 22, Block XVI aforesaid, and Sections'Nos. 9, 8, T, and 0, Block IV, Apiti Survey District, to Pukerimu Road, by Pukerimu Road to Hinau Road, by Hinau Road to Mangawharariki Road, and by the Mangawharariki Road to the Rangitikei River : thence towards the south-east by the Rangitikei River to where the Porewa Stream joins that river: thence towards the southwest generally by the Porewa Stream to the northern boundary of Section No. 13, Block XVI, Wangaehu Survey District ; thence by Sections Nos. 13, 6, and 5, Block XVI aforesaid, Section No. 1, Block XV, and Blocks Nos. XLII and XLIII to Jefferson Line, by Jefferson Line to the southeastern corner of Block No. XLIV; thence by Blocks Nos. XLIV, CCLXXVII, CCLXXX, CCLXXV, CCLXXIV. CCLXXIII, CCVI, CCVII, CCLXII, CCLXIII, CCLXIV. CCLXVII, and CCXLIX, all of Wangaehu Survey District: thence by the Turakina River to the northern boundaryline of the Mangataipona East Block ; thence by the said Mangataipona East Block and by the Mangataipona West Block to the Wangaehu River : thence again towards the south-east by the Wangaehu River to the sea : thence again towards the south-west by the sea to the mouth of the Wanganui River : and thence towards the west generally by the Wanganui and Patea Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to tho place of commencement. Okoua. This district is bounded towards the north by the Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Rangitikei River to the summit of tho Ruahine Range : thence towards the south-east by the summit of the Ruahine Range to the Manawatu Gorge ; thence towards the south by the Palmerston North - Napier Railway-line to Section No. 47, Block 111, Gorge Survey District, antl by the lastmentioned section to the Ashhurst-Bunnythorpe Road; thence by the Ashhurst-Bunnythorpe Road to the Wellington-New Plymouth Railway-line ; thence by the said railway-line to the Oroua River; thence by that river by Section No. 1, Block I, Kairanga Survey District, to the road leading from Awahuri to Feilding Borough ; thence by the said road to Section No. 85 of Block XVI, Oroua Survey District; thence by that section and a lino bearing 354° 11" magnetic from a point on the southern boundary-line of the said Section No. 85, distant 796 links from Awahuri Road, to the road forming the southern boundary of Section 132, Block XVI, Oroua Survey District; thence by the road fronting Sections 132, 131, 128, 127, 123, 122, 117, 115, 109, 110, and 111 to north-western corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 20 and 144 (Native reserve), and the eastern and southern boundary-lines of Section No. 99, Block XII, Rangitoto Survey District: and thence towards the west by the Rangitikei River to the place of commencement. Manawatu. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Wangaehu River to the Rangitikei River : thence towards the east generally by the Oroua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the junction of the Wellington - New Plymouth Railway-line, with the road known

as the Bunnythorpe-Kairanga Line ; thence by the Bunny-thorpe-Kairanga Line to Section No. 1598, Block Kairanga Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 1598, 1595, and 1596 to Jackytown Road, by Jackytown Road to the Palmerston North - Foxton Railway-line ; thence by that railway-lino to the Oroua River, by the Oroua River to its confluence with the Manawatu River ; thence by the Manawatu River to the road forming the northern boundary of Section No. 61, Ferry Reserve, in Block VIT, Mount Robinson Survey District: thence towards the south generally by that road to the Foxton-Shannon Road ; thence by the Foxton-Shannon Road to the Borough of Foxton ; thence by the southern side of Union Street to Nye Street; thence by the eastern side of Nye Street to Purcell Street; thence by the southern side of Purcell Street to the Foxton-Levin Road, by the Foxton-Lovin Road to the south bank of the Manawatu River, and by the south bank of the Manawatu River to the sea: and thence towards the west by the sea to the mouth of the Wangaehu River, the place of commencement. Palmerston. This district is bounded towards the north by the Oroua Eleotoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the Bunnythorpe-Kairanga Line with the railway-line to the Miinawatu Gorge : thence towards the east by the summit of the Tararua Range to the Palmerston-Pahiatua Road : thence towards the south generally by tho Palmerston-Pahiatua Road to the northernmost corner of Section No. 290, Block XVI, Kairanga Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 290 and 266 to the Manawatu Bridge Road, and by that road to the Manawatu River; thence by the Manawatu River to the Wellington - New Plymouth Railway-line; thence by that rail-way-line and the Foxton Railway-line to Jackytown Road : and thence towards the north-west generally by the Manawatu Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the place of commencement. W Air aw a. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Ruahine Range to the sea,: thence towards the east by the sea to Black Head : thence towards the soul'i generally by Section 36, Block 11, Blackhead Survey District, to the Township of Blackhead, by that townshif and Section No. 33, by Blocks Nos. 1, 4, 2, 27, 26, and again by 2 to lh<> Huatokitokd Stream; thence by the Huatokitoki Stream and Tauraekaitai Stream to the confluence of the last-men-tioned stream with the Mangaongaonga Stream, by the Mangaongaonga Stream to Eparaima G Block, by that block to the Purimu Lake, by the Purimu Lake and the Puriniu Stream a point in line with the. western boundary oi Block No. 36 ; thence by a line to and by that block to the Turaekaitai Stream; thence by the Turaekaitai Stream to its source near Trig. Station W (XLIII); thence by a right line to that trig, station ; thence by a right line to the source of the Whangai Stream, and by that stream to Block No. 77 ; thence by the said Block No. 77 to the Mangapuaka Stream, and by that stream to its confluence with the Manawatu River ; thence by the Manawatu River to the TahoraiteWainui Road, by that road to its junction with the TahoraiteWoodville Road ; thence by the latter road to the road intersecting Tahoraite No. 2 Block in a northerly direction between the Tamaki River and the Otamaraho Stream; thence by that road to Tamaki No. 2a Block; thence to the southernmost corner of thai, block, nnd by its south-western boundary and the south-western boundary of Tamaki No. 2 Block to the summit of the Ruahine Range : and thence towards the west generally by the summit of the Ruahine Range to the place of commencement. Pahiatua. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Ruahine Range to the sea at Black Point : thence towards the south-east by the sea to the mouth of the Mataikona River : thence towards the south-west generally by the Mataikona River to its confluence with the Pakowai Stream; thence by the Pakowai Stream to Section No. 819, Block XITI, Aohanga Survey District; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 18 and 21 to the Makoura Stream, by the Makoura Stream to Section No. 222, Block XII, Puketoi Survey District,; thence by Sections Nos. 222,20, and 2 to the Waihoki Valley R< ad ; thence by that rf ad to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 33, Block V, Aohanga Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 33 and 32, of the said Block V, and Sections Nos. 13 and 9, Block VIII, Puketoi Survey District, to the Alfredtoii - Weber Road, by that road to the easternmost corner of Section No. 8, Block IV, Puketoi Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 8, 9,10, and 2, of the said Block IV, and Sections Nos. 13, 10, 9, and 23, Block HI, Puketoi Survey District, and the north-eastern boundary-line of the last-mentioned section produced to the summit of the Puketoi Range ; thence by the summit of that range to the Makuri-Aohanga Road ; thence by the said Makuri-Aohangi.