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ouru-Tokaami Road to Lake Taupo; and [thence by the western shore of Lake Taupo to the mouth of the Waihora Stream, the plane of commencement. Napier. This district is bounded towards the north, west, and south by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; and towards the east by the sea. Taumarunui. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Wa.ikato Electoral District, hereinbefore! describod, from the entrance of the Aotea Harbour to the Puniu River: thence towards the north-east by the Tauranga Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Lake Taupo, at the mouth of the Waihola Stream : thence towards the east by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the junction of the Waiouru-Tokaanu and Waiouru-Ohakune Roads ; thence by the Waiouru-Hunterville Road to the northern boundary of the Maungakaretu Survey District: thence towards the south generally by the northern boundary of the said Maungakaretu Survey District and the northern boundary of the Ngamatea Survey District to its intersection with the Wangaehu River ; thence by the Wangaehu River to where the Waokaramu Stream joins the said river ; thence by the said stream to Field's Track; thence by Field's Track to the Rangitatau Stream; thence by the Rangitatau Stream to the Mangawhero River; thence by the Mangawhero River to the northern boundary of the Tauakira Block; thence by the said TauaMra Block to the Wanganui River ; thence by the Wanganui River to its confluence with the Tangarakau River; thence by the Tangarakau River to where the Waingarara Stream joins the said river ; thence by the Waingarara Stream to the Rimuputa Road ; thence by the Rimuputa Road to its junction with the Maikai Road ; thence by the Maikai Road to the Mangaowata Road ; thence by the Mangaowata Road to the Marco Road ; thence by the Marco Road to the northernmost corner of Section No. 11, Block IX, Pouatu Survey District; thence by that section and Section No. 8, Block XIII, to the Mangapaka Road ; thence by the Mangapaka Road to the Mangaone Stream ; thence by the Mangaone Stream to the Waitara River ; thenco by the Waitara River to a point in lino with the northern boundary of Section No. 1, Block X, Upper Waitara Survey District; thence to and by the said Section No. 1, by Section No. 18, Block XIV, and Sections Nos. 9, 2, and 1, Block XIII, Upper Waitara Survey District, by Sections Nos. 7, 0, 5, 3, 2, and 1, Block XVI, Waitara Survey District, and Sections Nos. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 17, 24, 13, 20, 12, and 15, Block XV, to the Waitara River ; thence by the Waitara River to its confluence with the Manganvii Stream ; 'thenoe by the Manganui Stream to Section No. 13, Block XIII, Waitara Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 13, 11, 10, again by 11, and by 9, 1, and 2, said Block XIII, and part of Section No. 221 to Richmond Road; thence by Richmond Road to Section 3, Block IX, Waitara Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 3 to the southernmost corner of Section No. 54; thence by the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 54 and 53 to Richmond Road ; thence again by Richmond Road to the Township of Lepperton; thence by the Township of Lepperton and again by Richmond Road to the northern boundary of Section 22; thence by the northern boundaries of Sections Nos. 22 and part of 185 to the New Plymouth Railway-line ; thence by the New Plymouth Rail-way-lino to the western boundary of Section No. 78, Block 11, Paritutu Survey District; thence by the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 78, 77, 73, 68, 66, and 67, to the sea at Pohue (old pa): and thence towards the north-west and west generally by the sea to Aotea Harbour, the place of commencement. Stratford. This district is bounded towards the north by the Taumarunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Richmond Road to the Tangarakau River; thence towards the east, by the Tangarakau River to its confluence with the Wanganui River; thence by a right line to Trig. Station B (Mount Humphries) ; thence by the summit of the main range over To Mapou to the southern boundary of Block VIII, Taurakawa Survey- District: thence towards the south by part of the southern boundary of the said Block VIII, and by the southern boundaries of Blocks VII, VI, and V, to Koane Road ; thonce by Koane Road to Moeawatea Road ; thence by Moeawatea Road to the northern boundary of Section No. 3, Block VIII, Omona Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 3, 4, and 1, Block VIII aforesaid, and Sections Nos. 21, 4, and 1, Block VII, and the northern boundary of the last-mentioned section produced to the boundary of the New Plymouth Harbour Rating District; thence by that boundary to the southern boundary of Block V, Omona Survey District; thence by the southern boundary of the said Block V, and the southern boundaries of Blocks VIII and VII, Ngaire Survey District, to Oru Road; thonce by Oru Road to Cheal Road ; thence by Cheal Road to Skinner

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Road ; thence by Skinner Road to Bird Road ; thence by Bird Road to the railway-line, across the railway-line and road to Brookes Road ; thence by Brookes Road to Brecken Road ; thence by Brecken Road to the northern boundary of Section No. 79a, Block I, Ngaire Survey District; thenco by Sections Nos. 79a and 76a to Opunake Road ; thence by Opunake Road to the eastern boundary of Section No. 64a ; thonce by that section to the Patea River ; thence by the Patea River to its source ; and thence by a right line to the summit of Mount Egmont: thence towards the north-west generally by a right line to the source of the Waiwakaiho Stream; thence by the Waiwakaiho Stream to Section No. 164 (E.R.), Hua and Waiwakaiho; thence by that seclion and Section No. 5 to the Mangaoraka Stream ; thence by that stream to Section No. 142, Tarurutangi, Egmont Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 142 and Sections Nos. 144, 145, 146, and 147, Tarurutangi, to the Waiongona Stream ; thence by that stream to Section No. 127, Tarurutangi; and thence by Sections Nos. 127, 115, 116, 206, and 207 to the place of commencement. Taiiahaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the CiiUmarunui Electoral District, hereinbefore , described, from the sea at Pohue (old pa) to Richmond Road at the southernmost corner of Section No. 207, Huirangi: thence towards the south-east generally by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the summit of Mount Egmont: thence towards the south by a right line to the eastern end of Newall Road ; and thence by Newall Road to the sea : and towards the north-west by the sea to the place of commencement. Egmont. This district is bounded towards the north by the Taranaki 'lectoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at Newall Road to the summit of Mount Egmont; thence by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Moeawatea Road : thence towards the east by Moeawatea Road to Koane Road; thence by Koane Road to the easternmost corner of Section No. 5, Block XVI, Omona Survey District; thence by the easteni boundary of that section to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 10, Block IV, Opaku Survey District; thei:ce towards the south generally by Sections Nos. 10 and 3, said Block IV, to Lower Moeawatea Road ; thence by the said Lower Moeawatea Road to Section No. 2; thence by Sections Nos. 2 and 1, Block IV, aforesaid, and Section No. 2, Block 111, to the Whenuakura Valley Road ; thence by that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Subdivision No. 3 of Kaharoa No. 3 Block ; then by a line to and by the said Subdivision No. 3, and by Rotorangi Block to the Patea River; and thence by a right line to Trig. Station A (Tarere) : thence towards the south generally by Tarere Road to Kaitoke Road, by Kaitoke Road to Meremere Road, by Meremere Road to Tihi Road, by Tihi Road and the continuation westerly of its northern side to the Tangahoe Stream; thence by the Tangahoe Stream to its confluence with the Mangimangi Stream; thence by the Mangimangi Stream to Sect ion No. 105, Block VI, Hawera Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 165 and 164 to Austin Road, by Austin Road to the Waingongoro River; thence by the Waingongoro River to Normanby Road, by Normanby Road to the Township of Okaiawa ; thence by the said Township of Okaiawa and again by Normanby Road to Manaia Road ; thenoe by Manaia Road to the Township of Manaia ; thence by the said Township of Manaia to Sutherland Road, and by Sutherland Road to the sea : and thence towards the south-west generally by the sea to the place of commencement. Patea. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Egmont Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at Sutherland Road to Koane Road ; thenco by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the confluence of the Wanganui and Tangarakau Rivers : thence towards the east generally by the Wanganui River to the Mission Line of road ; thence by the said Mission Lino to its junction with the New Missionary Line ; thence by the said New Missionary Line to its junction with the Brunswick Line ; thence by the Brunswick Line to its junction with the Great Western Line ; thence again towards the south-east by the Great Western Line to its junction with the Great North-western Road; thence by the south side of the Great North-western Road to the northernmost corner of Section No. 84 of Block 11, Westinere Survey District ; thence by the said Section No. 84, and by Section No. 234 of Block V. Westinere Survey District, to the south-western corner of the said Section No. 234 ; thence by a right line to a point on the coast-line about one mile and a quarter north of the flagstaff at the mouth of the Wanganui River, measured along the coast-line ; and thence towards the south by the sea to Sutherland Road, the place of commencement.