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No. 72. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Bbanch Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 27th December, 1906. What delayed " Sonoma " ? Very bad and disappointing. [P.O. 06/3795.]

No. 73. The Branch Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 27th December, 1906. Ont,y received bare advice of " Sonoma's " arrival. When ship left Auckland captain and chief engineer told me that, while maohienry working well, the firemen were about the poorest in their experience, and they would attribute any loss of time to that fact. LP.O. 06/3795.)

No. 74. The Branch Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, ] lth January, 1907. The weather is so thick on the coast that Captain Houdlette has postponed sailing of ".Sierra" till midnight. If not clear then will sail definitely 4 a.m., Saturday. [Sailed 4 a.m., Saturday, 12th.] U.O. U7/7L]

No. 75. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Khanoh Manauek, Oceanic Steamship Com patiy, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 14th January, 1907. When do you expeel " Sonoma " '!■ Her late arrival will render the Sue/, connection useless again. " Ventura" is also doing badly, and so far no encouragement to hope for regular running, nol withstanding the repairs. [P.O. U7/20:i.J ■

No. 76. The BRANCH Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company, Auckland, to the SECRETARY, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) ■ Auckland, 14th January, 1007. Look for " Sonoma " Friday night or Saturday morning. Kxpect she will bring letter having important bearing on ultimate efficiency of steamers to maintain contract dates. The "Sierra" seems already in fine shape. Her arrival here at eight o'clock on Friday morning last shows this, as she was delayed for some hours with very thick weather on the coast, and easily maintained fifteen knots. [P.O. 07/203.] .

No. 77. The Sborhtary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Branch Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 14th January, 1907. lie " Sonoma ": Sorry to find that you anticipate further loss of two days on the voyage. She was two days eight hours late leaving Honolulu, and as you. do not expect her until Friday night, it means that you anticipate further loss of two days. Ido not know what business people will think. They might have excused late arrival up voyage; but on the return voyage lam afraid they will not be prepared to accept any excuse. 1 hope " Sierra " will make up some of lost time. [P.O. 07/203.]

No. 78. The Branch Manager, Oceanic Steamship Company,-Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post ...•; ... -■■ - . ' Office, Wellington. . . ' •. ■ ■ (Telegram.) • Auckland, 20th January, 1907. '■ Sonoma , s-s " delay eatfSed by bad coal, foul bottom, and usual difficulty in obtaining good labour. She docks for cleaning and painting, Sydney, and we have asked office there to cable us immediately on arrival should she not be able to leave there on the 28th instant. At the worst, she will not leave Sydney later than the 29th instant. Captain and engineer confident make time to San Francisco. [P.O. 07/203.1