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4. Professors and Lecturers. —During the year the following appointments have been made to the staff of the School of Mines: Mining engineering—Professor Arthur Jarman, A.R.S.M. (Lond.), A.I.M. and M., Lond., M.A.1.M.E.; applied mechanics, steam-engine, and machine drawing—Mr. 8. E. Lamb, B.Sc. Hons., London, A.E.C.S., A.M.I.M.E. The College staff otherwise remained unaltered. On the 19th March leave of absence for twelve months was granted to Professor F. D. Brown. On the 17th September the Council approved of Professor Brown arranging with Mr. F. P. Worley, M.A., to fill his position as Professor of Chemistry and Physics during his absence in 1907. 5. School of Mines. —The Council has had some delay in establishing the School of Mines on a satisfactory basis. The grounds pertaining to the present site did not admit of any portion being available for the erection of a temporary building in which to store the apparatus required, and without which the School of Mines could not be satisfactorily carried on. In the prospect of a site for the new buildings being provided shortly, it appeared to the Council to be wiser to delay for a little the erection of any building until this point was decided. But, meanwhile, a professor has been engaged in preliminary work—securing books, lantern-slides, and plans for the requirements of the future. An additional grant from the Government is urgently required, if the School of Mines is to be made a success, and that this will be forthcoming is to be confidently expected. The Council has resolved to secure in England a lecturer in mechanical drawing, steam-engine, and applied mechanics. 6. Receipts and Expenditure, 1906. —General Account : Eeceipts, £4,915 12s. sd. ; expenditure, £4,585 2s. 5d.; balance, £330 10s. Specialisation Account: Eeceipts, £2,000; expenditure, £1,446 6s. Id.; balance, £553 13s. lid. Endowments : The income from the endowments was £634 7s. 2d., and the expenditure was £5 6s. 7d., leaving a net revenue of £629 os. 7d. 7. Degrees and Honours. —The degrees and honours gained at last November examinations of the University of New Zealand are as follows : Honours in Arts, 1; Master of Arts, 2 ; Honours in Law, 1; Master in Law, 1; Mus. Bac, 2; Doctor of Science, 1; Bachelor of Arts, final section, 5; Bachelor of Arts, first section, 10 ; Bachelor of Science, final section, 2 ; Bachelor of Science, first section, 1; Bachelor of Law, final section, 5. 8. Gillies Scholarship.—This scholarship, of the value of £70 per annum, was awarded to Mr. W. R. Gray, Mr. A. J. Hansen proxime accessit. I have, &c, G. Maurice O'Eobke, Chairman.

Statement of the Receipts and Bxpbndituke of the Auckland Univeksity ColeiEOe for the Year ended 31st December, 1906. I. General Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ 8. d. Balance, 31st December, 1905 .. .. 839 13 11 Salaries .. .. .. .. 3,655 17 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 16 13 2 Endowments — : Stationery .. .. .. .. 33 9 1 Rents collected by Land Board .. 300 19 5 | Advertising .. .. .. .. 33 14 9 Rents oollected by Registrar .. .. 223 7 9 Printing .. .. .. .. 72 1 8 Taupiri rent .. .. .. .. 110 0 0 Cleaning, lighting, and warming .. 80 7 4 Music examination fees .. .. 153 17 3 Fidelity bond (Registrar) .. .. 3 0 0 Sale of calendars .. .. .. 1 10 0 Insuranoe .. .. .. .. 28 7 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 22 15 7 Interest and commission .. .. 2 13 3 Interest on fixed deposit .. .. 14 0 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 40 17 10 Interest— Repairs .. .. .. .. 67 0 7 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 4 0 0 j Water rates .. .. .. .. 11 11 0 Post-Office Savings-bank .. .. 10 2 5 Lecture requisites (Thomas) .. .. 149 5 4 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 75 0 0 „ (Brown) .. .. 93 0 8 Library .. .. .. .. 61 13 6 Premiums .. .. .. .. 35 13 0 Annual examination expenses .. .. 1 10 0 J Music examination expenses .. .. 95 5 6 Endowments expenses.. .. .. 5 6 7 School of Music .. .. .. 13 2 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 918 8 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 I Legal expenses .. .. .. 4 14 0 Additions .. .. .. .. 20 0 O Balanoe, 31st Deoember, 1906— Debentures .. .. £400 0 0 Post-office Savings-bank .. 314 5 9 Auckland Savings-bank .. 114 12 2 Bank of New Zealand — Current acoount .. 376 16 0 Cash on hand .. .. 2 0 0 i 1,207 13 11 Less outstanding cheques 37 10 0 1,170 3 11 £5,75S 6 4 £5,755 6 4