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TANGI CHANTED BY TIMOTI WHIUA (SOUTH ISLAND). Keen blows the north-west wind, Wind from the Mountain-land, Bringing sad thoughts of thee. Where, 0 Hetana ! art thou gone ? Perhaps in Council-hall thou 'rt laid, To await thy people's coming. Yes, there lies thy mortal shell, Resting at last From its many, from its innumerable travels, From its ceaseless goings to and fro. Yes, thou return'st to thy people Round yonder mountain-cape, Back to thy dwelling-place — Rest from thy travels ! 0 well-beloved one, Sharp pangs dart through my soul. 0 lordly totara-tree, The pride of Tane's woods, Thou 'rt lowly laid. As was the canoe of Rata, The son of Tane launched For vengeance on the slayer Matuku, Who soon himself was slain. 'Twas thou alone that Death didst pluck From the midst of living men, And now thou stand'st alone Like the bright star of morning ; For us naught but sad memories. Sleep soundly, Friend ! Pu ma uru E riringi mai nei-i-e ! Pu-tuwhenua c kokoto mai nei-i-e ! Keiwhea Hetana ? Ka waia nei te Karonga-a-i-e ! Xi te Paremata pea, E tatari ana mai-i-e ! Kei ona haerenga tini, Kei ona haerenga mano Kei nga whaputanga rae-e ! Tenei koe ka hoki mai-i-e ! Naku hoki koe koi whaka-kai-nui-e ! Te Pua-o-Tane, Ka tukuna ki raro ra-e ! Te waka-o-Rata, Ka mate ko Matuku-e ! Ko koe anake i unuhia noatia-e ! Te kapa ka tika ki waho Te kotau-ue ! Te whetu o te ata, Ka mahara ai au-ue ! E moe pai koe Waiho ma kino-e ! Nga makau-e ! Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (3,000 oopieu, j.189 14s.

Authority: John Mackay. Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o6.

Prite 4s. yd.}