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TANGI CHANTED BY WI PERE, ESQ., EX-M.H. Farewell, 0 Friend ! Depart to thine ancestral company. Thou 'rt plucked from us As the flax-shoot is plucked from the bush And held aloft among the mourners. Thou that wert our boast, our pride, Whose name has soared on high, Thy people now are alone and desolate. Indeed thou 'rt gone, 0 Friend ! Thou 'rt vanished like our ocean-fleet of old— The famed canoes, Atamira, Hotutaihirangi, Taiopuapua, Te Raro-tua-maheni, Te Araiteuru, and Nuku-tai-memeha, The canoe that drew up from the sea This solid land. Haere ra, c Koro ! koutou ko matua. Unuhia i te rito o te harakeke Ka tv i te aroakapa. Aku nui, aku wehi, Aku whakatamarahi kite rangi. Waiho te iwi mana c mac noa. Kia mate ia nei koe, c Koro ! Ko Atamira te waka, ko Hotutaihirangi, Ko Taiopuapua, ko Te Raro-tua-maheni, Ko Araiteuru, ko Nuku-tai-memeha, Ko te waka i hiia ai Te whenua nui nei—e ! TANGI CHANTED BY EAST COAST NATIVES. Affliction's deepest gloom Enwraps this house, For in it Seddon lies Whose death eats out our hearts. 'Twas he to whom we closest clung In days gone by. 0 whispering north-west breeze, Blow fair for me, Waft me to Poneke, And take me to the friend I loved In days gone by. 0 peoples all and tribes ! Raise the loud cry of grief, For the Ship of Fate has passed Port Jackson's distant cape, And on the all-destroying sea Our great one died. Marumaru rawa mai te whare ki Poneke, Kei roto mai Hetana, Kai ora i ahau, 1 te wa, c Koro, koi piri tahi ana na —a! Te pa noa mai he whakarua te hau, Hei kawe i ahau tv ana i Poneke-—e! I te wa ki taku hoa c aroha nei-au-ne ! Whakaarahia c nga iwi katoa te tangi taukiri—e ! Ka hangai kite rae kei Poihakena, Xi te au huri waka E mate nei te tangata na !