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H. -28


Haere, c whai i muri i nga tapuae o tou hoa rangatira ia Te Paranihi. Nga tangata i whai koha ki to korua iwi Maori. Haere i runga 1 nga manaakitanga o te ao me tou rangatiratanga ataahua. Haere atu c whai i muri i to tatou whaea pono i a Kuini Wikitoria, te whaea nui o nga iwi o te ao. Haere ra c pa te manu pukakanui, ara te manu tangi pai i te tikaakaatanga o te ra, te whetu marama, te takiritanga o te ata. He Tangi. I'akoto rawa iho te an ko te moe himene tonu ake. Kai whea a to Pirimia i rangi ai tei tii nga koi tamariki ana. Tera ka taha ki roto o Poneke, Kai n- whftkaapuapu, Kai te whakaaraara i nga poo tahiihu o to Pareinata. Kia tika c pa to inoi n.akau c i ara moliou Kia lika to haere ki runga o Kenanu, ki Hiriiharania ra. Kai hoki mai te manaako ki nuiri kite wahine ka pouarua nei i. Tenei ka hoki ake tetahi pito o te ngakau tangi ki a Mrs. Seddon me tana whanau, nga pouaru o te tangata mate. Tena ra koe c whai, te ahuatanga o tou rangatira atahua, te matua o ou tamariki, kua wehe atu nei t tenei ao ki tera ao. He nui no te aroha o matou o nga tangata o Whanganui c noho atu nei i tenei motu ki to tatou matua atawhai. ahakoa ia kua mate, a c ora ano ia, c ai te kupu whakatauki a o matou tupuna : "Ka mate he tete kura, ka ora he tete kura." Heoi ra. Kia ora. Te Turere Poutama. Tuka Pene. Maehe Ranginui. Wineti Nopera. Reneti te Kaponga. Karipa. Pokiha Pine. Pita Harihona. Ratana Rangitahua. Kapo Ngatoa. Rewi Reneti. Whio Harihona. KAIWHARE*KIRIONA.

ADDRESS EfROW MAORI TRIBES OF NEW ZEALAND. To Mrs. Seddon. In Memory of RJICHJARD JOHN SNEDDON, Premier of New Zealand. From the Maori Tribes of Aotea-roa (North Island) and Te Wai-pounamu (South Island). REMAIN, () Mother, with thy children and thy children's children! Tarry ye a while in the house of mourning, in the chamber of Death. Clasp but the cold form of him who was to thee husband beloved. Mr is now from thee parted, gone into the Dark Night, into that long, long sleep. God be with thee in thine hour of trial. Here he lies in the calm majesty of death. Rest, 0 Father ! The tribes have assembled to mourn their loss. Alas ! the canoe is cast from its moorings, its energy and guide no more. The red-hued Kaka-kura, the ornament of Aotea-roa, the proud boast of the Wai-pounamu, the mighty heart of the land, the moving spirit of the people— fare thee well ! a long farewell ! Pass on. 0 noble one ! across the lone sands of Haumu, beyond the barrier of Paerau —going before to join the illustrious dead. Woe unto us that are left desolate in the valley of sorrow. In life thou wert great. Across the Great Ocean of Kiwa. beset try the turbulent waves of faction, 'mid the perverse winds of opinion, thou didst essay forth that thy peoples should reap of benefits, that these islands and thy mother race should see ary_ do their duty in the broader spheres of Empire ami humanity. Kate, relentless, seized thee in the mid-ocean of effort, and compelled thee into the still waters of death to rest. Sleep thou, 0 Father ! resting on great deeds done ; sure that to generations unborn they will be as beacons along the highways of history. Though thou art gone, may thy spirit, which so long moved the heart of things, inspire us to greater, nobler ends! Slay not your lamentations. oye peoples! for ye have indeed lost a father. Verily our Pa of refuge is razed to the ground. The breastwork of defence for great and small is taken. Torn up by the roots is the overshadowing Rata-tree. As the fall of the towering totara in the Deep Forest of Tane, so is the death of a mighty man : Earth quakes to the rending crash. Our shelter gone —who will temper the wind ( What of thy Maori people hereafter unless thou canst from thy distant bourne help inspire the age to kindlier impulse and action ? So bide ye in your grief, bereaved ones. Though small our tribute, our hearts have spoken. Our feet have trod the sacred precincts of the courtyard of Death. Our hearts will be his grave. Love will keep his memory green through the long weary years. Farewell. (Signed by the Hon. J. Carroll, the Maori members of the House of Representatives, and 136 chiefs and chieftainesses of the Maori tribes.)