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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1906. 1906. Ashley County— continued. Eutherford, L. A., Hawarden ... Eutherford Nephews, The Lakes, Hawarden E\de Bros., Oxford Sagar, John, Omihi Sagar, Thomas, Omihi Sail, Joseph, Cust Sail, W. O., Cust Sambrook, W., Ohoka Sanderson and Co., Hawarden Sawtell, Claude, Motunau, Christchurch ... Schmidt, H., Ashley Schofield, G. H., Oxford Scoon, W. (Executors of), Bangiora Scott, Alexander, Eyreton Scott, C. C, Loburn Scott, Eli, Waipara Scott, W. B., Hawarden Sewell, G., Bangiora Sharman, Charles, East Oxford Sharplin, B., Oxford Shaw, James, Amberley Shaw, Eobert, Fernside Sheat Bros., West Eyreton Shelley, J., Medbury ShieldB, Thomas, Hawarden Shimmin, E., Medbury Shuttleworth, S., Hawarden Sim, J. S., Mount Mason, Hawarden Simpkinson, J., Ashley Simpson, J. B., Balcairn Skevington, C, Waikuku Skevington, Thomas, Ohoka Skurr, E., East Oxford Skurr, John, Bennett's Skurr, John, Carlton, Bennett's Sloper, C, Amberley Sloper, Eobert, Stockgrove, Amberley Smellie, J. T., Leithfield Smith, Hay, Clarkeville Smith, Henry, View Hill Smith, H, View Hill Smith, James, Fernside Smith, John, Amberley Smith, John, Downs Eoad, West Eyreton ... Smith, John, Totara, Cust Smith, Samuel, Cust Smith, William, Southbrook Smith, William, West Eyreton Smyth, Bobert, Leithfield Sommers, H, Fernside Speir, Hugh, Cust Spence, James, Hawarden Stackhouse, James, Oneponga, Amberley .. Stackhouse, William, Loburn Stalker, Joseph, Woodend Stanton, Annie, Amberley Starkey, G. B., Blackhills, Amberley Starkey, W., Fernside Starky, G. B., Brackenfield, Amberley Steffens, Henry, Bennett's Stevenson, Mrs. John, Flaxton Stewart, James, Ashley Bank Stewart, JaBpar, Scargill Stewart, Mrs. S. J., Medbury Stokes, M. H., Waikuku Stone, J., Kaiapoi Storer, William, Bennett's Stubbs, Arthur, East Oxford Stubbs, A. W., East Oxford Stubbs, Thomas, East Oxford Summerfield, H., Oxford Sutherland, D., Eangiora Swann, G., Hawarden, Christchurch Swords, W., Leithfield Symonds, Harold, Omihi, Waipara Tallott, H., Cust Taruna Estate, Hawarden Taylor, F. S., Waipara Taylor, James, Sefton Taylor, Joseph, Waipara Taylor, J. W., Oxford Thomas, J., Ashley Thompson, E., Waikuku 2844 14996 754 466 640 152 40 4000 2544 39 277 12 143 1273 2597 3 284 367 1476 221 399 20 1796 305 2226 4919 1671 706 172 260 822 995 544 740 432 304 595 991 1199 147 194 1339 1410 189 792 30 82 10 386 2601 2828 14456 882 362 900 Nil 191 42 Nil 5022 62 227 8 834 416 1992 Nil 3 193 442 1498 160 531 20 834 390 Nil 6321 1625 1160 236 242 814 1056 516 450 Nil 292 195 351 888 1190 47 194 866 1050 195 582 Nil 57 2 489 3076 395 621 43 6093 13 2591 Nil 893 387 2300 343 295 658 377 399 100 51 233 26 Nil Nil 287 186 3465 1364 547 4156 40 75 86 640 67 6188 79 3964 174 859 427 1900 391 296 600 356 493 51 100 210 49 1197 167 291 190 1296 3962 145 92 100

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1905. April 30, 1906. Ashley County— continued. Thompson, F. L., East Oxford Thompson, P. H., Bennett's Thompson, William, Freefield, Cust Thompson, W. M., North Loburn Thompson, W. J. and E., Cust Thomson, Eobert, View Hill Threlkeld, P. C, Flaxton Tickner, G., Amberley Tipping, H., Cust Tipping, J. C, Cust Tipping, J. T., West Eyreton Tobin, E., Amberley Todd, Alexander, North Loburn Todd, A., Waipara Todd, David, Southbrook Todhunter Bros., The Peaks, via Medbury Todhunter, C. F., Waitohi, Christchurch ... Toohey, Matthew, Leithfield Toohey, Mrs. M., Leithfield Topham, W. E., Loburn Trail, George, Leithfield Treacy, Edward, North Loburn Trotter, William, Bangiora Turnbull, A. H., Balcairn Turner, W. H., Waikari Tutton, A. E., Bramdean, Christchurch Tutton, A. E., Horsley Downs, Christchurch Tutton, A. E., Mount Brown, Amberley Ulmerick, F., East Oxford Vallance, J. H., Sefton Vallance, J., jun., Sefton Vallance, John, Cooper Creek, Oxford Vallance, W. A., Oxford Vaughan, William, Amberley Vincent, T. J., Bennett's Vincent, T., Oxford Vincent, W., Wharfdale, Bennett's Wagner, A. J., Balcairn Wallace, Andrew, Southbrook Waller, Benjamin, Loburn Waller, John, Loburn Wallis, George, Ashley, Governor's Bay Ward, James, Swannanoa Ward, Bobert, Huntly, Swannanoa Wat tie, W. J., Hawarden Waterman, F. A., East Oxford Waters, Charles, Loburn Watkins, E., FernBide Watson, E. A., Leithfield Watson, Edwin, Amberley Watson, J. E., Leithfield Watson, J. H., Amberley Watson, Pearce, Cust Watson, Eobert, Eangiora Wayland, G. F., CubI. Weavers, T., Saltwater Creek Webster, James, Cust Weld, J. E., Waikari Weld, S., Oxford Wells, Charles, Ellerbeck, Amberley Wells, J., View Hill Welsh, John, Medbury Welsh, Mrs. M., Medbury White, Arthur, Swannanoa White, C. T., The Peaks White, John, Swannanoa White, J. S., Ohoka White, Thomas, North Loburn White, William, Hawarden Whiterock Estate Company, Ashley Whiteside, T. E., North Loburn Whiteside, W. G., Ashley Bank Whyte, Mrs. J., Oxford Whyte, William, West Oxford Wilder, Edmond, Ngapari, Fernside Williams, J. H. B., Mount Benger, Hurunui Williams, N. B., Eyreton Willis, C. J., Ashley Wilson and Smalley, Omihi Wilson, James, Ashley Wilson, Michael, Broomfield Wilson, S. D., Ashley Wilson, W. E., West Oxford 757 3075 62 758 661 94 2550 194 340 386 2430 60 98 4890 35 3302 307 98 293 281 456 2505 3788 1151 4078 1344 185 13 459 100 992 473 306 5326 1277 375 192 375 245 330 76 45 500 38 54 1084 2853 170 300 792 100 1918 226 272 480 2710 58 100 3529 8 1581 2653 356 293 16 227 268 720 2931 4270 812 3037 717 300 23 371 59 102 990 333 1177 4813 1381 295 284 233 350 634 182 35 562 45 14 70 1000 1002 258 94 Nii 97 400 100 231 255 2396 800 54 29 79 1880 346 3304 178 569 25057 182 283 183 159 97 Nil 486 247 1493 278 162 160 18 1215 937 190 92 35 100 400 180 248 1989 53 31 189 1420 396 2671 177 403 25518 98 155 88 150 90 2416 478 1076 303 126 119 67