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14—H. 23.


No. of Sheep on April 80, April 30, 1905. 1908. Ashley County— continued. Iclntosh Bros., Loburn Iclntosh, D. M., Hawarden Iclntosh, Hector, Fernside Iclntosh, Hector, Kaiapoi Iclntosh, Hugh, Hawarden Iclntosh, W. and G., Southbrook IcKay, Hugh, Amberley IcKay, M., Hurunui IcKee, S. H, Oxford IcKibbon, Hugh, Cust IcLaren, A., Amberley IcLauchlin, Andrew, Moerak W., Springbank IcLean, Alexander, Woodburn, Sefton IcLean, G. A., Leithfield IcLean, G. II. (Executors of), Glasnevin, Amberley IcLean, H. (Exrs. of), Glasnevan, Amberley IcLean, Hugh (Exrs. of), Ardross, Amberley IcLean, John, Waikari IcLean, Mrs. I., Leithfield [cLelland, James, Motunau IcLeod, John, Sefton IcMaster, A., East Oxford IcNally, M., Fernside IcNally, Nicholas, Amberley IcNamara, D., Balcairn IcNaught, T., Amberley lehrtens, D., Eangiora lehrtens, George, East Oxford lehrtens, George, Ohoka lehrtens, H., Eangiora leyer, E. W., East Oxford leyer, F. A., East Oxford leyers, A., Oxford, Little Eiver [ilea, T., Loburn liller, A., North Loburn lilne and Power, Fernside lilne, George, Fernside lilne, G., jun., Fernside lilton, E. B., Birch Hill, Eangiora lilton, J. D., Eakahuri, Eangiora litchell, B., Waikari lockett, Henry, Amberley [oody, Charles, Kaiapoi loore, G. H., Glenmark, Waipara loore, T., Balcairn loorhead, J., Omihi lorriss, William, Waikuku lortland, A., Ohoka loss, J., Sefton lounBey, J. A., View Hill lount Thomas Estate Company (Limited), Okuku, Ashley lulcock, E. T., Flaxton lulcock, William, Hawarden lulligan, E. M., View Hill lurphy, Mrs. Julia, Eyretcn lurphy, W., FernBide lurray, James, Bennett's lurray, Thomas, Hawarden Iyer, F. J. and T. A., Oxford reave, William, Allendale, Hawarden red, MiBS M. J., View Hill felson, H., Balcairn reugeschwender, A., Fernside fewton, G. G., Hawarden ficholls, William, Belfast fichols, W. A., Waikari hoone, Joseph, Amberley lorris Bros., WeBt Eyreton [orris, T., West Eyreton t'Brien, D., Amberley t'Brien, William, Hawarden 1'Carroll, J., Hawarden I'Connor, Edward, Loburn I'Connor, John, Balcairn t'Farrell, T. H., Cust I'Halloran, John, Glentui, Bennett's I'Loughlin, Michael, Springbank t'Loughlin, Thomas, Springbank Irchard, Hiram, Sefton I'Eoarke, Mrs. Jane, Fernside t'Eoarke, Mrs. M., Fernside 785 72 487 489 143 472 1011 3496 596 121 50 119 1823 1747 1781 151 1298 292 20 204 238 157 10 173 250 143 98 346 4768 380 274 10097 2631 345 79 636 17278 96 997 60 87 94 311 10797 787 10 547 648 98 376 912 3450 493 159 886 60 96 1588 1464 Nil 1620 100 77 1492 32 256 Nil 204 182 99 Nil 109 217 292 579 721 496 5401 728 394 320 69 10178 2748 280 50 759 16113 156 1089 61 100 Nil 469 11932 273 595 500 80 61 286 1101 103 7798 52 62 1230 1261 256 298 126 376 1250 375 40 169 6201 256 194 386 660 500 76 49 238 1070 46 6534 50 373 27 811 5866 995 1030 226 199 110 385 1000 376 95 140 6794 288 134 50 8 80 3 100

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1905. 1906. Ashley County— continued. O'Eoarke, Thomas, Fernside Overton, P. J., Motunau Paget, J. C, Bennett's Papps, H. J., Oxford Parish, E. H., Oxford Parish, E., East Oxford Parkinson, A. J., Saltwater Creek Parnham Bros., Sefton, Kaiapoi Parnham, W. A. and 0. S., Kaiapoi Parnham, W. and T., Kaiapoi Parsons, W., Eangiora Pateman, E. C, Woodend Patterson, J., Eyreton Patterson, William, Balcairn Pavalka, F., View Hill Pawsey Bros., Hawarden Pawsey, J. B., Balcairn Peach Bros., Ashley Peacock, J. T., Swannanoa Pearce, Arthur, Eangiora Pearson, T. E., View Hill Penwell, H., Kaiapoi Pepper, Enoch, Hawarden Perring, William II., Scargill Pester, E. T., West Eyreton Petrie Bros., Woodend Philpott, Adolphus, North Loburn Philpott, E. G., North Loburn Piercy Bros., Hawarden Pihl, Dirk, Ohoka Pilcher, Mary L., Medbury Plachatsh, II. and W., East Oxford Plachatsh, Joseph, View Hill Plaskett, W., Fernside Pohl, F. A., Hawarden Pole, James P., View Hill Ponsonby, James, North Loburn Powell, Aaron, East Oxford Powell, J., East Oxford Powell, Louis, East Oxford Powell, Thomas, Fernside Power, J„ Hawarden Power, William, Fernside Prior, Phillip, Bangiora Prichard, A. C. and C. F., Oxford Prouse, David, Cust Pry or, W. J., The Peaks Pulley, Tasman, Loburn Pursey Bros., Loburn Pursey, T. W., Ashley Purvis, James, View Hill Quigley, John, North Loburn Quinlan, J., Loburn Quinlan, John, Hawarden Bains, G., East Oxford Bead, George, Kaiapoi Beed, William, Bennett's Eeid, E. J., Bennett's Benahan, M., Fernside EhodeB, W., Amberley Eice, E., Loburn Eice, E. (Trustee of), Clarkeville Eichards, James, Ashley Bigby, John, Medbury Eoberts, G. H., Cust Boberts, H., Bangiora Eoberts, E. M., Motunau Eobertson, Charles, Cust Eobertson, J. J., Ashley Bobinson, James, West Eyreton Bollo, J. A., Medbury Eossiter, George, East Oxford Eossiter, J., Oxford Eountree, W. H, Hawarden Bowe, J., Ashley Budd, J. D. and J. F., Greendale Buddenklau, F. W., Springbank Euddenklau, J. G. A., Grassdale, Kaiapoi ... Euddenklau, J. G. A. and C, Fernside Eussell, J. S., Leithfield Eussell, Mrs. Agnes, Leithfield Eutherford, C. O. T., The Peaks, Midbury... Eutherford, G. L., McDonald Downs, Waikari Eutherford, G., Waitohi Peaks, Hawarden... 50 2994 281 864 1720 1520 164 196 127 280 231 6 2 5580 1279 2176 30 1268 40 197 158 20 175 37 233 399 1085 28 285 55 260 193 243 193 99 194 1433 357 60 287 479 163 57 709 283 170 130 51 3 20 100 2929 290 651 1220 1820 4 233 398 208 Nil 484 8 18 Nil 5000 1523 270 2295 20 Nil 41 147 Nil 30 191 45 273 308 692 34 287 82 288 164 170 183 100 100 240 1597 400 271 294 773 168 53 779 343 148 64 36 Nil 11 520 Nil 1885 367 225 143 Nil 79 Nil Nil 290 103 496 450 258 992 396 206 286 187 115 2993 2032 2828 233 64 81 753 10534 8065 35 1888 248 199 338 26 78 162 87 376 199 450 509 228 998 415 199 203 54 4049 2328 175 3333 51 95 650 11361 7740