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Session 11. 1906. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented in pursitance of the Act.

Staff. Professors.— Classics—H. A. Talbot-Tubbs, M.A., Oxfird. English—o. W. Egerton, M.A., Dublin. Mathematics—H. W. Segar, M.A., Cambridge. Chemistry and Experimental Science—P. D. Brown, Hon. M.A,, Oxford, B.Sc, Lmd , P.C.S. Biology and Geology—A. P. W. Thomas, M.A., Oxford, P.L.S., F.G.S. Musio-W. E. Thomas, Mm. Doc, Oxford. Lecturers. — Modern Languages —M. Walker, M.A. Law—H. D. Bamford, 8.A., LL.D. Mental Science, Economics, History, and Commercial Geography—J. P. Grossman, M.A. Accounting—H. H. Hunt, P.N.Z.A. and A.A. Education —H. A. E. Milnep, B.Sc, Lond. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Appointed by His Excellenoy the Governor in Council —Hon. Sir G. M. O'Eorke, M.A., LL.D.; Eev. J. H. Simmoiids ; Mr. G. L Peacocke. Elect-d by members of the J. A. Tole, 8.A., LL.B. ; the Eight Eev. Bishop Neligan; Mr. W. B. Colbeck, B.A, LL.B. Elected by graduates—Mr. P. E. Baume, LL.B., M.H.E. ; Mr. W. C. McDowell, B.A, M.8., CM.; Mr. T. U. Wells, B.A. Ex officio—Wit. Arthur M. Myers, Mayor of Auckland; Mr. S. Luke, Chairman of the Education Board.

The Chairman of the Boaed op Governors to the Minister op Education. Sic, — Auckland University College, 4th June, 1906. In pursuance of section 25 of " The Auckland University College Act, 1882," the Council has the honour to make the following report:— 1. Number of Students. —The number of persons who attended lectures in this College in 1905 was 229 : Graduates, 9 (males, 6; females, 3) ; undergraduates, 132 (males, 83 ; females, 49) ; and non-matriculated students, 88 (males, 31; females, 57). There were also 7 students exempted from attendance at lectures; of these, however, 2 attended more or less. The total number of students was thus 234. 2. Council. —Mr. Gerald Loftus Peacocke was reappointed by the Governor in Council. The Right Reverend Richard Moore Neligan, D.D., and Mr. Wilfred Bruno Colbeck were elected by members of the General Assembly resident in the Provincial District of Auckland; and Mr. Tom Umfrey Wells, 8.A., was re-elected by the graduates of the University of New Zealand on the roll. 3. Professors and Lecturers. —The staff has remained unaltered, but the following appointments have been made in connection with the School of Commerce instituted out of the funds provided by the specialisation grant of £1,500 per annum: Lectures on economics, history, and commercial geography—Mr. J. P. Grossman, M.A.; lectures on modern languages—W. Manwell Walker, M.A.; lectures on accounting—Mr. Horace H. Hunt, F.N.Z.A. and A.A.; lectures on commercial law—Mr. H. Dean Bamford, 8.A., LL.D., Barrister at Law. Mr. Herbert A. E. Milnes, B.Sc, Lond., was appointed Lecturer on Education on 25th November, 1905, to commence his duties in March, 1906. 4. Receipts and Expenditure. —General Account : Receipts in 1905, £4,847 6s. 7d. ; expenditure in 1905, £4,512 7s. lOd. : surplus, £334 18s. 9d. This surplus was due to the recovery of an outstanding debt from the Harrison Coal Company. Specialisation Account: Receipts in 1905,