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The following tabulated statement shows the sales of water, the cash received, and the cost of maintenance of the Kumara Bace for the year ending the 31st March, 1906, and also the approximate quantity and value of gold obtained by parties using water from the race :—

The table opposite shows the result of working the Kumara Bace for the twenty-three years from the Ist April, 1883, to the 31st March, 1905.

Waimea-Kumara Water-races. The following tabulated statement shows the revenue, cost of maintenance, approximate quantity of gold obtained, and the number of miners employed in sluicing in the claims taking water from the Government water-races in the Waimea-Kumara district for the year ending the 31st March 1906 •—

It will be seen from the above statement that the value of the sales of water from the combined races last year was £1,718 Bs. 9d., as against £2,111 3s. lid. for the previous year, thus showing a decrease m the value of the sales of water last year of £392 15s. 2d. As previously pointed out this decrease is entirely due to the reduction in the price of water. Calculating the quantity of water supplied during the year at the price charged the previous year, the sales of water would show an increase of £1,233 17s. lOd. The expenditure on gauging, maintenance, and repairs was £2,097 13s. lOd as against £2,491 6s. 6d. for the former year, thus showing a decrease on the cost of maintenance last year of £393 12s. Bd. The cash received during the year was £1,797 14s. Bd., as against £1,693 lis 9d for the previous year, thus showing an increase in revenue of £104 2s. lid. over the previous year. The following schedule shows the claims that have been sluicing on the Kumara Goldfield during the year ending the 31st March, 1906, the number of men in each claim, the fall and width of boxes in each tail-race, numberlpf sluice-heads of water used in sluicing, number of cubic yards of wash sluiced away per hour, and the name of race from which the water was supplied :

Month. Sales of Water. Cash received for Sales of Water. Expenditure. Outstanding Moneys at the End oi each Month. ApproxiNumber ; mate Value of of Men J Quantity Gold employed.] ot Gold obtained, obtained. I '" ~ 1 April May June July .. August .. September October November December 1905. 1906. £ s. d. 17 7 1 43 5 10 31 13 4 24 9 9 44 10 0 29 13 1 40 3 6 42 12 3 35 17 1 £ s. d. 32 7 4 24 7 9 16 5 0 62 16 3 13 5 0 58 17 0 47 15 0 20 0 0 66 5 11 £ s. d. 82 5 0 109 7 10 127 19 8 67 14 3 60 2 7 56 16 8 52 19 6 66 0 10 74 17 7 £ 3. d. 1,560 4 3 1,579 2 2 j 1,594 10 6 j 1,556 4 0 1,590 4 0 1,548 12 9 894 15 5 915 7 2 884 18 4 Oz. £ s. d. 8 34 132 12 0 13 86 335 8 0 17 64 249 12 0 18 50 195 0 0 18 90 351 0 0 17 60 234 0 0 18 80 312 0 0 18 86 • 335 8 0 20 70 i 273 0 0 20 62 241 16 0 17 106 413 8 0 16 90 351 0 0 January February March .. 30 10 5 53 0 3 44 19 7 17 10 0 22 2 6 09 18 7 66 10 0 54 12 10 58 11 7 897 18 9 928 16 6 903 17 6 Totals 438 2 2 451 10 4 16-66 878 3,424 4 0 (average) 877 18 4

Month. Cash received Sales of Water. '■ for Sales Expenditure, of Water. Outstanding Moneys at the End of each Month. ApproxiNumber mate of Men Quantity employed, of Gold obtained. Value of Gold obtained. 1905. April May June July .. August September October November December £ s. d. £ s. d. 91 15 9 196 19 7 130 16 10 116 8 3 152 1 8 165 14 10 151 3 6 ; 192 0 5 164 7 9 131 1 5 144 17 9 ! 173 10 3 159 16 7 ! 162 16 6 169 6 6 98 7 8 127 18 5 192 11 8 '' £ s. d. 190 2 5 : 209 17 11 : 259 9 11 163 8 3 153 12 8 148 15 1 144 15 5 150 19 1 178 7 9 £ s. d. 1,987 0 3 I 2,001 18 0 1,998 6 2 ■ 1,954 5 10 i 1,990 9 8 1,940 12 0 1,172 9 3 1,245 15 2 1,182 4 8 Oz. 43 238 58 330 61 392 55 396 58 410 60 376 (iO 407 02 429 04 319 £ 8. d. 928 4 0 1,287 0 0 1,528 16 0 1,544 8 0 1,599 0 0 1,466 8 0 1,587 6 0 1,673 2 0 1,244 2 0 1906. January February March 103 5 10 98 14 0 157 3 6 ! 94 8 9 165 15 i 175 1 4 1,718 8 9 J 1,797 14 8 188 12 0 152 8 3 157 5 1 1,178 10 3 1,242 13 11 1,238 6 5 61 270 ; 58 398 64 418 59-08) 4,389 (average)l : . 1,070 8 0 1,552 4 0 1,630 4 0 Totals 2,097 13 10 17,117 2 0