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Lake Kanieki. In order to popularise Lake K.anieri, near Hokitika, as a pleasure resort, this Department has taken action in the direction of securing a suitable site for an accommodation-cottage for visitors. An area of about 30 acres at the outlet of the lake, distant eleven miles from Hokitika by vehicle-road, is being acquired. The site commands a very beautiful view of the lake and the mountains at its head, ,and is an ideal spot for the erection of an accommodation-house tor travellers. The present intention is to erect a small three-roomed cottage, somewhat similar to the mountain-huts at the south Westland glaciers. This no doubt will answer requirements for several years to come. The land is partly forest and partly cleared and in grass; there will be a goodsized paddock available. A 24 ft. boat has been placed on the lake by the Westland Acclimatisation Society for the use of visitors, the cost being defrayed by the Department. Maruia Hot Springs. The Inangahua County Council has carried out various improvements at the Maruia Hot Springs during the last year, the sum of £200 having been granted for the purpose. The house accommodation at the springs has been improved, a bath-house has been erected, and other necessary works carried out to insure a greater degree of comfort for those using the springs. There are two living-huts at the springs—one containing three rooms, with sleeping accommodation for five persons, and the other accomodation for two. Haupiri Hot Springs. These hot mineral springs are situated sixty miles inland from Reefton, forty miles from Greymouth, thirty-one miles from Ahaura. The springs, which are similar to those at Maruia, are believed to be of considerable medicinal value, but their use will of necessity be confined to residents in this part of the West Coast. A track has been formed to the springs from the termination of the Ahaura-Hatters formed road. It is now proposed to erect a small two-roomed cottage at the springs for the convenience of invalids desiring a course of the waters. Waiho Hot Springs (South Westland). Since last report steps have been taken to utilise the hot mineral springs at the junction of the Kallery and Waiho Rivers, close to the terminal face of the Franz Josef Glacier, South Westland. A contract has been let for the construction of a small bath-house measuring 10 ft. by 8 ft., to contain a single bath. The locality is reached by vehicle-road from Hokitika (ninety-one miles). Hanmer Hot Springs. In common with other establishments at Hanmer, the spa and baths experienced a late opening for the season. The number of visitors to the spa was 448, and the receipts £1,199 175., as against 491 and £1,341 os. 6d. The number of baths taken was 25,132, receipts £837 2s. 4d., compared with 26,211, amount £914 os. 4d., for 1903-4. The gross receipts from all sources amounted to £2,189 16s. 6d., and the value of free accommodation and treatment to £248 os. 3d., as against £2,326 9s. lOd. and £154 Is. for the previous year. The figures, however, are ahead of the 1902-3 returns. The spa dining-room has been enlarged and refurnished with small tables. A new septic tank has been constructed and connected with the spa. The new tea-house was opened on the 21st November, 1904, and the receipts have been most satisfactory, the place providing a popular and pleasant resort in all weathers. The building also includes a ticket and inquiry office. The new fresh-water swimming-bath was opened on the 12th January last. All bath-houses, See., have been thoroughly painted inside and out, and the gardener's cottage renovated. A machinery-room has been erected in connection with the heating of the proposed Aix massage rooms, &c. The tennis-court has been graded and laid down in fine grass, and another rink added to the bowling-green. The grounds have been much improved generally by planting and rearranging of most of the flower-beds. A croquet-lawn has been laid near the spa. The Public Works Department have in hand the installation o! : a new water-supply system, which when complete will be a great improvement to this resort. Pukaki Accommodation-house. This house had a satisfactory season, the number of visitors and the receipts showing a good increase. Receipts £535 Is. 3d., compared with £467 14s. Id. the previous year. The additions to the house mentioned in my last report were completed in time for the last season, but even with the additional accommodation the house was at times overtaxed. An area of about 400 acres has been fenced round the house for grazing the Department's stock, &c. Mount Cook Hebmitage (Southern Alps). There were very few visitors to this resort until December, but by the end of the season they had numbered more than the previous year, totalling 175, as against 165. The receipts were £924 13s. 6d., compared with £965 15s. 6d. for the previous year—a slight decrease. Where the rush of visitors is confined to a few months, the demand for beds is far in excess of the Hermitage accommodation.