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Tokaanu-Pipiriki Route. The complaints of travellers on this route do not diminish; in fact, there is a tendency in the other direction. It is desirable that something more effective be done to put the coach-road in repair. For a great part of the past season it was unfit for coach traffic. Whanoanui River. The work of improving the upper reaches is still proceeding, under the direction of the River Trust Board. The river has been widened at Tarepokiore by removal of a cliff on the right bank, thereby improving the channel and causing the disappearance of a dangerous whirlpool. Retain ng-waH in the Ongarue tributary near Taumarunui landing, at Rurumaiakatea, Taurangahoura, Towhenua, Rarawhakamatuku, Taitakataka, and Tehoroporoaki were constructed- These improve, ments have enabled a continuous service to be maintained At Retaruke, Ohaoa UPWj»j Tupapa, and Auokura 1,593 ft. of new wall was constructed. The works were much h ndered early in the year by a heavy flood which carried away considerable gear, Ac. The steamsh p com pany's houseboat, between Pipiriki and Taumarunui, has been m use during the seaso Tie river was very low for some time in late summer, which probably accounted for the matter of irregular and unreliable runnings of the boats. An improvement was effected whereby is practically saved between Auckland and Wellington by making a steamer connectio , a Wanganui twice weekly with the express south, so as to enable passengers to travel from Pipiriki to Wellington in one day. Mount Egmont. The number of visitors to the mountain-houses materially increased on previous years, especially at the Northern and at Dawson's Falls Houses. A feature of the traffic was the large number o oversea tourists who " did " the mountain. The traffic generally has now reached such dimenrionlthat the question of providing better and more ample accommodation at the houses requires Chairman of the Egmont National Park Board is printed in the appendices. Morere. The bath-houses mentioned in my last report have been completed and in use for some time. The receipts from baths, a proportion of which come to the Department, amounted to £35 45., and amply justify the expenditure on the new houses. There are appearances of greatly increasing traffic at this place. Lake Waikaremoana. This resort had a very late season owing to broken weather, which at any time seriously good remlK rf rf „ 00 ,„ mo( ,„ ion „, «*.«•• meansTf teaching the lake from Rotorua through the Urewera country are provided. Foxton Marine Reserve. During the year this reserve at Manawatu Heads was fenced by the Department at a cost of £48 25., as a protection for the plantation laid out there some years ago. The Marlborough Sounds. _ . ... , a mnAa nf \f ar lhorough-Queen Charlotte and Pelorus Sounds and their subL, pUw ot .ccommod.Mon, tol.pho.e-offi.e., „nd ftahmg ul .b0.,--ing grounds.