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B. Blocks not included in the Bank of New Zealand Securities.

Areas. «, ® rq §■8 CM "Si! •3 sea og ° Areas sold, leased, reserved, and held for Future Disposal. C a _. CO ■*j^ h Ph# Blocks. s o > A I* So-! = ° « * go .2 ° 3 > Remarks. i i Acres. 5,082 £ 4,066 t Acres. Acres. 5,082 Acres. Acres. £ * _ ...._. Maraetaha 2a, Sections 2 and 3 3,000 5,000 4,000 10,000 4,424 5,057 30,000 Sold by tender in August, 1904, to pay old liabilities contracted by the Trustees, and to provide for current expenses of the Trust. The Gisborne Borough Council has agreed to purchase of 2,299 acres in these two blocks for a water-supply reserve. The transaction has not yet been completed. The greater part of Section 6 and the whole of Section 3 are unimproved and unoccupied. Part of Section 6 is improved and occupied by Natives. 1,226 £10,000 raised on mortgage to pay old liabilities contracted by the Trustees. When taken over by the Board all these blocks were unimproved and unoccupied, except 8,000 acres, 5,000 of which were in European and 3,000 in Native occupation. 432 9,590 acres sold by auction, 15th April, 1905, to pay old liabilities contracted by the Trustees, and to assist in redeeming the then existing mortgages on the Mangapoike and Tahora Blocks : the latter (£2,742 8s. 4d.) haB been paid off. When taken over by the Board the whole of these lands were unimproved and unocoupied, except a few Native settlements. Unimproved and unoccupied. Maraetaha No. 2, Section 3 .. . 6 .. 3,000 4,000 •■ •• Mangapoike No. 2 37,721 10,000 28,240 Tahora No. 2 60,694 10,009 9,590 18,259 22,045 10,800 43,000 Mangawaru No. 3 18,720 7,000 18,720 .. ■• •• .. 129,218 14,075 10,000 14,672 46,499 26,469 41,577195,000 1,658 I f