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Wellington, Tuesday, 13th June, 1905. The Commission sat at 10.30 a.m. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Mr. Stafford produced documentary exhibits in connection with the Otaki evidence. The Bishop of Wellington attended and produced a written statement, and was briefly questioned by the Commissioners. The Secretary was instructed to telegraph to the Bishop of Auckland, informing him of the intention of the Commission to open there on Monday, the 19th June. Adjourned till Wednesday, the 14th instant, at 10.30 a.m.

Wellington, Wednesday, 14th June, 1905. The Commission sat at half past 10 o'clock a.m. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana Arrangements were made for proceeding to Auckland, and the Secretary was instructed to leave for Auckland on Wednesday, the 15th, and make arrangements for sitting there on Monday, the 19th, at half past 10 a.m., and to advertise the sitting in the Auckland papers. The Secretary was instructed to write to Archdeacon Williams, asking if he could supply further accounts in connection with the Otaki grants, and stating that the Commission intended visiting Hawke's Bay to hear his evidence. The Secretary was also instructed to write to the Governor's Private Secretary, asking permission to search the Government House records for letters from Ngatiraukawa to Sir G. Grey. Adjourned to Auckland, Monday, 19th instnnt, at half past 10 a.m.

Auckland, Monday, 19th June, 1905. The Commission sat at 10.30 a.m. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. The Auckland Diocesan (Church of England) Secretary attended and produced accounts in connection with five Waikato grants, and was requested to furnish further details. Mr. J. St. Clair attended on behalf of certain Natives, and asked the Commissioners to hold a sitting at Mokau. Mr. St. Clair was informed that the Commissioners intended to sit at Mokau and at Ngaruawahia. The Secretary was instructed to make all necessary arrangements for the Commission to Bit at Mokau on Thursday, the 22nd June, at 10.30 a.m. Adjourned till 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday. The Commissioners visited St. Stephen's College in the afternoon.

Auckland, Tuesday, 20th June, 1905. The Commission sat at 10.30 a.m. and heard evidence. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana.

Auckland, Wednesday, 21st June, 1905. The Commission sat at 10.30 a.m. and heard evidence. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. The Secretary was instructed to telegraph to the Secretary for Education, asking for an extension of time for the Commissioners' report to the 31st July.

Tuakau, Thursday, 22nd June, 1905. The Commission sat at 10.30 a.m. . Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. , ,_ T . TT . , ~ ~ Mr St Clair attended, and apologized for the non-attendance of Natives. He said if the Commission adjourned to Ngaruawahia on Monday, the 26th, they would attend there. It was decided to adjourn to Ngaruawahia on Monday, the 26th June. _ _ The Secretary was instructed to make arrangements to enable the Commissioners to visit the Kohanga land in the meantime. Adjourned to Monday, the 26th June, at 2.30 p.m. iii-G. 5,