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Saturday, 24th June, 1905. Mr. H. S. Wardell, Mr. Quick, and Mr. Hutana visited Kohanga.

Ngaruawahia, Monday, 26th June, 1905. The Commission sat at 2.30 p.m. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Motu Tara attended and asked that the Commission should sit at Te Awamutu or Kihikihi. After making inquiries and taking advice as to the best means of communicating with the Natives, so as to give them time to attend, the Commissioners decided to sit at Te Awamutu on Tuesday, the 4th July, and at Kihikihi on Wednesday, sth July, and the Secretary was instructed to have circulars printed to that effect, and to take steps to have them circulated immediately at Kihikihi, Puniu, Te Awamutu, and Otorahanga. The Commission heard evidence. Adjourned till Tuesday, the 27th June, at 10 a.m.

Ngaruawahia, Tuesday, 27th June, 1905. The Commission sat at 10 a.m. and heard evidence. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. A telegram was received from the Premier to the effect that he had advised His Excellency the Governor to extend the time for the Commission's report to the 14-th July. It was decided to telegraph to the Premier acknowledging receipt of his wire, and intimating that the Commissioners would make every effort to bring the work of the Commission to a close by the date mentioned, but expressing the opinion that it was improbable that the report could be ready by that date. Adjourned till 10.30 a.m. on Friday, the 30th June, at Auckland.

Auckland, Friday, 30th June, 1905. The Commission sat and heard evidence. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Ch*airman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W. H. Quick, Esq. Adjourned to Te Awamutu on Tuesday, the 4th July, at 10.30 a.m.

Monday, 3bd July, 1905. The Commissioners visited the Puniu Reserve.

Te Awamutu, Tuesday, 4th July, 1905. The Commissioners visited the Otawhao Reserve. The Commission sat and heard evidence. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W, H, Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned to Kihikihi on Wednesday, the sth July, at 10,30 a.m,

Kihikihi, Wednesday, sth July, 1905. The Commission sat and heard evidence. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq , W. H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned to Auckland on Friday, the 7th July, at 10.30 a.m.

Auckland, Thursday, 6th July, 1905. The Commissioners met and decided to apply for a further extension of time to 24th July, and a telegram was despatched to the Premier accordingly.

Auckland, Friday, 7th July, 1905. Present: Sir James Prendergast (Chairman), H. S. Wardell, Esq., W, H. Quick, Esq., and Mr. Hutana. Adjourned to Monday, the 10th July.