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You will exert authority as Police Magistrate where it may be required, and report your proceedings from time to time to the Superintendent of the Southern Division. Your knowledge uf the Native character and habits, your late employment as Sub-Protector of Aborigines, and your own personal conduct recommend you for this special service. While absent from Wellington on this important duty you will be entitled to receive 10s. per diem for travelling-allowance. Given under my hand and seal, this 27th day of February, 1844. Robert Fitzroy, Governor.

No. 3. Mr, William Wakefield, Agent of the New Zealand Company, to Mr. J. J. Symonds. Sir,— Wellington, 27th March, 1844. I have the honour to communicate to you the steps I have taken, in pursuance of the arrangement sanctioned by His Excellenc}' Governor Fitzroy, for establishing a settlement in the Middle Island by the New Zealand Company, to facilitate which object, by assisting the Company's agent in the acquisit on of a suitable district of land, you received the instructions from His Excellency, with a copy of which he was pleased to furnish me. Mr. Frederick Tuckett, late Chief Surveyor to the Company at Nelson, has been charged by me, on the part of the Company, with the selection of the site and with the purchase of the land from the Natives, with your approval and assistance, for the proposed settlement. Mr. Tuckett has chartered the schooner " Deborah," 120 tons, for the purpose of conveying an exploring party, with provisions and materials for a house, to Port Cooper, from whence he purposes to examine the land in the neighbourhood of Banks Peninsula, and afterwards to proceed to Foveaux Strait and Milford Haven. He calculates that the time requisite for determining the place and allowing the " Deborah " to return to this place would be within sixty (60) days. As it is a matter of importance that no time should be lost in treating with the Natives after the appropriate locality is selected, previously to the commencement of any surveying operations, Mr. Tuckett proposes to call here on his way from Nelson, for the purpose of inviting you to accompany him on his voyage. The " Deborah " was to leave Nelson on the 25th or 26th instant, and may therefore be hourly expected here. As soon as she arrives I will wait upon you with Mr. Tuckett to learn your wishes on the subject. I have, &c, William Wakefield, J, J, Symonds, Esq. Agent of the New Zealand Company.

No. 4. His Honour M. Richmond. Superintendent, to His Excellency the Governor, &c, Auckland. Sir,— Wellington, 3rd April, 1844. I do myself the honour to report that Mr. Symonds embarked yesterday in the schooner " Deborah " for New Munster, to superintend and assist in effecting the purchase of land by the New Zealand Company, agreeably to the instructions he received from Your Excellency. As I learnt there were two surveyors on board attached to Mr. Tuckett, the agent selected to conduct this purchase, and as Mr. Symonds expressed himself apprehensive that an attempt would be made to survey the land before the arrangements were completed, I took an opportunity, when the principal agent of the New Zealand Company was present, to distinctly and positively forbid Mr. Tuckett proceeding with any survey until the land was alienated by the Natives, and permission given him by the Government officer who was intrusted to superintend the negotiations ; and, in order that no misunderstanding might exist on the subject, I gave Mr. Symonds the letter of which the enclosed is a copy. I have, &c, His Excellency the Governor, &c, Auckland. M. Richmond, Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 4. His Honour M. Richmond, Superintendent, to Mr. J. J. Symonds, Assistant Police Magistrate, Wellington. Sir,— Wellington, 2nd April, 1844. You are clearly to understand that in superintending the purchase of land by the New Zealand Company in the Middle Island no survey is to be proceeded with by its agents or any one employed by him, until you are perfectly satisfied that the land has been alienated by the Aborigines and purchased by him on behalf of the Company. I have, &c, J. T. Symonds, Esq. M. Richmond, Superintendent. No. 5. His Honour M. Richmond, Superintendent, to His Excellency the Governor, &c, Auckland. Sir,— Wellington, 23rd May, 1844. By the accompanying documents which I do myself the honour to forward, Your Excellency will learn the reason of Mr. Symonds's return to Wellington from New Munster, to which place I reported he had proceeded on the 2nd ultimo. After transmitting the correspondence which passed between him and Mr. Tuckett to the Principal Agent of the New Zealand Company, and finding he had commissioned his brother, Mr. Daniel Wake.