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6. Rule a form of cash-book for a trust estate which would show separately the balances of capital and income on hand at any particular date. Also make entries therein of the following transactions : — J une 12. A. Brown repaid his mortgage of £500, with interest to date £7. „ 15. Interest collected from Smith £8, from Jones £5 10s., and from Robinson £18 ; the latter also repaid £100 of principal. July 1. Lent Edwards £300 on mortgage. „ 2. Received £1,706 for property sold, £6 of the amount being a refund of rates paid. „ 4. Paid legacies, £1,080. „ 7. Paid to widow (who receives the income of the estate), £35. 7. A company is formed to purchase the business of A. B. and Co. and C. D. and Co. for £9,000 and £3,000 respectively. The balance-sheets of the selling firms were as follows :— A. B. and Co.—Liabilities : Creditors, £3,000 ; capital, £7,500. Assets : Debtors, £5,500 ; premises, £2,000 ; stock, £1,570 ; plant, £500 ; furniture, £200 ; cash in bank, £730. CD. and Co.— Liabilities : Creditors, £1,500; bank overdraft, £350; capital, £2,350. Assets: Debtors, £2,100 ; stock, £1,200 ; premises, £775 ; furniture, £125. The purchase-prices are to be paid, two-thirds in fully paid-up shares at £1 each and one-third in cash to each firm. After the above shares are allotted and the cash payments made, record in the form of journal entries in the company's books all the transactions.

No. 92. Prf.cix-irriting and Correspondence. — For Civil Service Senior. Time allowed: Three hours. QUESTION I. —PRECIS-WRITING. Write a pr/cis of the following despatches and enclosures : — No. 1. Mr. J. W. Hamilton to Mr. W. Wakefibld, Principal Agent of the New Zealand Company. Sir,— Wellington, 27th February, 1844. I have the honour of forwarding to you, by desire of the Governor, a copy of the instructions which His Excellency has given to Mr. Commissioner Spain. By these instructions you will see that a purchase or purchases, to the extent of not more than 150,000 acres of land in or near the Wairarapa, and of not more than 250,000 acres elsewhere, are authorised by His Excellency, under that officers' superintendence, under certain conditions. And by the enclosed copy of instructions to Mr. John Jermyn Symonds, Police Magistrate, you will perceive that Mr. Symonds is authorised to proceed to New Munster and there superintend and assist in effecting the valid purchase of not more than 150,000 acres of available land, without regard to figure or continuity of blocks, to which extent the Crown right of pre-emption will be waived on certain conditions. The conditions referred to are — First, that all existing arrangements made by 'he Government with respect to the New Zealand Company's settlements shall be strictly observed, except as altered by the present arrangement. Second, that the land so purchased shall be counted in exchange for an equal number of acres claimed by and to which a valid title can be proved by the New Zealand Company elsewhere, it being clearly understood that the purchase-money in both cases referred to is to be provided by the Company. Third, thus the exterior boundaries as well as interior divisions of the land so purchased shall be surveyed by and at the expense and by the surveyors of the New Zealand Company. By these arrangements being carried into effect I trust that the Government will enable the New Zealand Company to insure undisturbed possession of a sufficient extent of available land to a numerous and important body of British subjects who have already settled in New Zealand in consequence of purchases made by the Company, as well as to others of our own countrymen who may hereafter emigrate under the New Zealand Company's auspices. I have, &c, J. W. Hamilton, W. Wakefield, Esquire, Principal Agent, New Zealand Company. Principal Secretary

No. 2. Copy of the Directions issued by Governor Fitzroy to J. J. Symonds, Esq., P.M., Wellington. You are hereby required and directed to proceed to New Munster (on the Middle Island), and there superintend and assist the agent of the New Zealand Company in effecting the valid purchase or valid purchases of not more than 150,000 acres of available land, without regard to figure or continuity of blocks. To such an extent of the land the Crown right of pre-emption will be waived, upon your report of the validity of the purchase, under certain conditions. You will be most careful not to countenance any, even the smallest, encroachment on or infringement of existing rights or claims, whether Native or other, unless clearly sanctioned by their legitimate succession. You will inform settlers now established in New Munster that their cases will be most carefully and kindly dealt with by the Government under existing regulations, or by a special act of grace, such as by waiving the Crown's right of pre-emption in their favour to a reasonable extent. You will inform the aboriginal native population that you are sent to superintend and forward the purchase of lands which they wish to sell, and that you, on behalf of the Government, will not authorise nor in any way sanction any proceedings which are not honest, equitable, and in every way irreproachable.