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Darfield Domain, Canterbury Land Disteict. Reserve No. 2635, Hawkins Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year : Hedges cut, bank repaired, and trotting-track made. Improvements now on domain : Fences of sod bank, gorse, and wire, surrounded with belt of trees, two lawn-tennis courts, and building used by tennis-players. Used for lawn-tennis, and also as track for trotting-horses. Denniston Domain, Nelson Land District. Section No. 5, Block VI., Kawatiri Survey District Area, 6 acres. Work done during year: Draining and levelling. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Further draining and levelling. Devonport Domain, Auckland Land District. Allotments Nos. 36, 37, and 39 of Section No. 2, and Mount Victoria Reserve, Takapuna Parish. Area, 41 acres 2 roods 36 perches. Work done during year : Cricket-ground, football-ground, tennis-lawns, and bowling-green top-dressed and rolled, and fences renewed on Mount Victoria Reserve. Improvements now on domain: Pavilions, drains, sanitary arrangements, and plantations on boundaries. Used for cricket, bowls, football, tennis, and croquet. Mount Victoria Reserve is leased for grazing purposes. Dipton Domain, Southland Land District. Section No. 3, Block X., Town of Dipton. Area, 5 acres. Improvements now on domain: Good fences, half of boundary planted with Pinus intignis; shelter-shed, and concrete well. The whole area is in grass, and looking well. Used for athletic sports, cricket, football, and general recreation. Dobson Domain, Westland Land District. Reserves Nos. 258 and 290, Town of Dobson. Area, 8 acres 2 roods. No new works undertaken. The domain has been cleared and drained, and is used for football and cricket. The surrounding district is thiuly populated, and a neighbouring recreation reserve is used more than the domain. Domett Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserves Nos. 3177, Block XIX., and 3241, Block XVI., Lowry Peaks Survey District. Area, 20 acres and 38 perches. Two rows of trees were planted along the frontage and fenced off during the year. Improvements now on domain: Fences and plantation. It is proposed to plant and fence off two rows of trees along the south boundary during the coming year. Dunbdin Domain, Otago Land District. Part or Duuedin Town Belt. Area, 52 acres and 6 perches. Work done during year: New entrance made; new path, 4 chains long, with flower-borders on each side, constructed; nursery trenched, laid cut, and planted; two propagating-houses, each 50ft. long and 12ft. wide, erected; two rows of frames and sashes constructed, each 50ft. by 6 ft. ; potting-shed, 20 ft. by 20 ft., erected; old road dug up, a ditch covered in, and a considerable amount of levelling and draining done to form a football-ground. Improvements now on domain: Propagating-houses, plant-frames, fernery, tool-shed, potting-shed, summer-house, bandrotunda, watchman's house, superintendent's house, 60 chains fences, aviary, and netting-fence round ponds to keep in water-fowl and deer. Used for band concerts, football, cricket, picnics, and botanic gardens. The principal part of the domain is the garden, which is gradually being made more interesting by the introduction of collections of native and exotic plants. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of fences, eradication of broom and elderberry, repairs to paths and bridges, erection of new entrance-gates, and formation of new flower-beds and borders. A start has been made to label all the trees and shrubs with metal labels, having on them, in raised letters, the natural order, botanical name, common name, and habitat of the plant. The idea is to make the garden, as far as possible, of educational value. DuNnoßiN Domain, Otago Land District. Section 31, Block VIII., Crookston Survey District. Area, 12 acres. Leased on improvement conditions; lease has still two years to run. Dunsandel Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 316, Block VIII., Selwyn Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year: Erection of seats. Improvements now on domain: Pavilion, fences, gates, plantation, and cottage. Used for cricket, football, bowls, tennis, and other sports. Duntroon Domain, Otago Land District. Section No. 23, Block IV., Maruwenua Survey District. Area, 80 acres. The only work undertaken during the year was the keeping down of rabbits. The domain is used chiefly for grazing.