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Auckland Domain, Auckland Land District. Situated in Rangitoto Survey District. Area, 236 acres 1 rood. Seventy-seven acres leased. Work done during year: Portion of old gardens put in order, six hundred pine and poplar trees removed with a view to planting native and ornamental trees, drive and paths metalled. Improvements now on domain: All fenced, cricket-ground securely fenced from remainder of domain by iron fence and stone wall, pavilion in cricket-ground, Park Superintendent's house, gardener's house, and caretaker's lodge. The area contains extensive plantations. Used for picnic parties, cricket, athletic purposes, and general recreation. Avondale Domain, Auckland Land District. Section No. 361, Waikomiti Parish. Area, 38 acres 2 roods. Work done during year: Road formed from Manukau Road to domain; also 6 chains of road formed within the area. Improvements now on domain : Fenced on three sides (the fourth side is bounded by the sea), 6 acres grassed, and boundary planted with Pinus insignis. The fences are out of repair. Used for general public recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Repairs to fences. Awhitu Domain, Auckland Land District. Section No. 58c, Awhitu Parish. Area, 8 acres 3 roods 30 perches. Nil report furnished. Balclutha Domain, Otago Land District. Reserve No. 5, Town of Balclutha. Area, 1 acre. Improvements now on domain: Fences, bowling-green, and tennis-court. Used for recreation, bowling, and lawn-tennis. Bastings Domain, Otago Land District. Sections Nos. 1, 2, 48, 49, and 50, Block 1., Town of Bastings. Area, 1 acre 1 rood 14 perches. No improvements effected. Domain Board only recently appointed. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erection of fences. Berwick Domain, Otago Land District. Section No. 10, Block IX., Town of Berwick. Area, 4 acres. Willows overhanging river were cut during year. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantation, and embankments. Used for sports and picnics. It is proposed to raise the embankment during the ensuing year. BIRKENHBAD DOMAIN, AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT. Section No 122, Takapuna Parish. Area, 112 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Eradication of noxious weeds. Improvements now on domain: Fences and plantations. "No improvements proposed for ensuing year on account of lack of funds. Britannia Heights Domain, Nelson Land District. Parts of Sections Nos. 1 and 4, Suburbs of Nelson Area, 11 acres 2 roods 24 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fences and plantations. Used for general recreation. Buffalo Domain, Auckland Land District. Section No. 88, Village of Buffalo. Area, 17 acres 3 roods 14 perches. Work done during year: Arrangements made for fencing and improving 10 acres—estimated cost, £70. The domain is used for sports, &c. Bullee Domain, Nelson Land District. Section No. 35, Block IV., Kawatiri Survey District. Area, 200 acres. Nineteen acres leased on improvement conditions. Work done during year: Seats repaired, 13 chains footpaths graded and asphalted, band-rotunda erected, hedges trimmed, and weeds eradicated Proposed operations for ensuing year: General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fenced with wire and quickthorn hedge, 20 chains pipe drains, 4 chains box drains, 5 chains open drains, 43 chains asphalt paths, 47 chains metalled paths, and band-rotunda. Used for a promenade and pleasure resort, also for general recreation. Bull's Domain, Wellington Land District. Section No. 5, Block XL, Rangitoto Survey District. Area, 45 acres. Work done during year: Erection of fences, pumps, and water-troughs, gorse-grubbing, and construction of cvcle-track. Improvements now on domain : Double ring boundary-fences 10 acres ploughed levelled and sown in grass, belt of ornamental trees, pumps, and water-troughs. Used for football, cricket, rifle-shooting, athletic sports, and picnics.