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BuNNYTHORPE DOMAIN, WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT. Sections Nos. 1501 to 1504, Block VII., Kairanga Survey District. Area, 44 acres 3 roods 23 perches. The domain is leased for a term of twenty-one years; the lease expires on the 12th August, 1910. Btjrke's Pass Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 1595, Block VIIL, Burke Survey District. Area, 45 acres and 3 perches. Work done during year: Noxious weeds eradicated, fences and gates repaired, improvements now on domain: King-fences, 2 acres fenced and planted with trees of various kinds. Used for picnics and general recreation; a portion is also used for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Further eradication of noxious weeds. Cambridge Domain, Auckland Land District. Sections Nos. 576, 359, 360, 361, 361a, 367, 581, 578, 579, 363, 363a, 364, 365, 366, 368, 370, Town of Cambridge East, and the Cambridge East Town Belt. Area 484 acres 1 rood 7 perches. Work done during year : Maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Recreation-ground, bowling-green, tennis lawns, and 7 acres of borders, walks, and ornamental trees. Used for general recreation, including bowls and tennis. Cambridge West Domain, Auckland Land District. Cambridge West Town Belt. Area, 347 acres. About 246 acres leased. Work done during year: Eleven acres ploughed and laid down in permanent pasture, 80 chains fronting main road planted with ornamental and other trees, trees planted in portion used for recreation, hedges trimmed, and fern, &c, cleared from the trees, improvements now on domain: Eleven acres ploughed, levelled, and grassed; plantation all round portion used for recreation, plantation on road frontage, and lawn-tennis court. Twentythree acres used for general recreation; other portions for grazing, &c. . Carleton Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserves Nos. 2808 and 2858, Block V., Mairaki Survey District. Area, 13 acres 3 roods. Work done during year : Tree-planting, gorse-grubbmg, and hedge-trimming. Improvements now on domain : Thirty chains fences, pavilion, cricket-pitch, and plantation. Used for sports, cricket, and tennis. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erection of iron entrance-gate, and maintenance. Cashmere Hills Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 161, Halswell Survey District. Area, 188 acres 3 roods 11 perches. One hundred and seventy-three acres leased ; lessee to keep premises leased in good order, and supply visitors with refreshments at reasonable prices. Work done during year: Seven hundred trees planted, floor of pavilion cemented, and new entrance-gate to pavilion enclosure erected. Improvements now on domain : House, cow-shed, Victoria memorial, pavilion (brick), nursery, plantations, ring-fences, fences round plantations, house, and nursery. Casnell Island Domain, Auckland Land District. Section No. 196, Mahurangi Parish. Area, 16 acres 3 roods. No improvements made. Used for camping and picnics. Chertsey Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 2376, Ashburton Survey District, and Reserve No. 3057, Town of Chertsey. Area, 32 acres 2 roods 27 perches. Leased for grazing. Work done during year: Gorse and tussocks grubbed, 50 chains hedges trimmed, fifty trees planted, trotting-track formed, trees branched to form an avenue 40 chains in length. Improvements now on domain: Eighty chains fences, 10 acres plantation, 10 chains water-race, swimming-bath, dressing-room, trotting-track, and avenue. It is proposed to plough the land during the winter with a view to renewing the grass. Used for picnics, cricket, football, trotting-races, and general recreation. Christchurch Domain, Canterbury Land District. Parts of Reserves Nos. 24 and 25, Block XI., Christchurch Survey District. Area 495 acres. Three hundred and seventy acres leased for sheep-grazing. Work done during year: Shadehouse erected, wash-house for gardener's cottage built, bridges and gates repaired, trees thinned, trees planted, walks reformed and repaired, lawns renewed, flower-beds weeded and planted, trees planted, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain: Magnetic observatory, museum, cottages for head gardener, ranger, and caretaker, hothouse, shade-house, two large bridges, several small bridges, fences, gates, lake, gardens, lawns, walks, exotic trees, avenues, and plantations. Used for acclimatisation purposes, cricket, croquet, polo, golf, football, hockey, picnics, model-yacht sailing, volunteer encampments and manoeuvres, and general recreation. Clifton Domain, Taranaki Land District. Section No. 71, Block VII., Waitara Survey District. Area, 66 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. No improvements have been made. The domain contains some beautiful native bush and an ancient Maori pa, and is situated on the Onairo River.