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In the direction of development let me instance our State forests and our State coal-mines; and to assist in our people's welfare do not our Government Advances to Settlers Office, our Labour Bureau, and our Accident Insurance Office materially afford them help ? I have had a statement prepared showing the annual estimated expenditure for this current year; in a second column I show the amounts for new services ; and in a third column the net estimated expenditure which would represent the normal disbursements of our colony had the requirements of our colonists not been given effect to. In other words, out of the proposed expenditure of £6,892,397 nearly £800,000 has to be provided for new services, the result of our progress and prosperity.

Statement showing the Expenditure upon New Departments and Services created since 1891, and the Normal Estimated Expenditure for 1904-5 after the Amounts provided for New Departments and Services are deducted.

Estimates for 1904-5. Estimated Expenditure, 1904-5. Appropriations for New Departments and Services. Estimated Expenditure exclusive of New Departments. Permanent Charges— Australasian Naval Defence Act, 1902 .. Payment of Members Act, 1892, and Amendment Acts .. Victoria College Act, 1897 Old-age Pensions Act, 1898 Stock Act Amendment Act, 1898 Marlborough High School Act, 1899 Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1900 Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 1900 Nelson Harbour Act, 1900 Nelson Harbour Board Amendment Act, 1902 National Scholarships Act, 1903 New Zealand Institute Act, 1903 The Queen's Scholarship Act, 1903 Secondary Schools Act, 1903 Other Charges, including Interest and Sinking Fund £ 40,000 28,500 4,000 215,000 4,500 400 2,500 1,500 650 650 700 500 200 200 2,393,355 £ 18,303* 19,950* 4,000 215,000 4,500 400 2,500 1,500 650 650 700 500 200 200 £ 21,697 8,550 2,393,355 Annual Appropriations,— Class I. Legislative Departments.. „ II. Colonial Secretary's Department .. III. Public Health Department „ IV. Industries and Commerce and Tourist Department „ V. Colonial Treasurer's Department VI. Old-age Pensions Department „ VII. Justice Department— Validation of Native Titles Maori Land Administration Maori Councils „ VIII. Post and Telegraph Department .. „ IX. Customs Department X. Marine and Harbours and Inspection of Machinery „ XI. Printing and Stationery Department „ XII. Stamp and Deeds Department „ XIII. Education Department— Seoondary Education Public School Cadets School for Blind Technical Instruction .. „ XIV. Lunacy and Charitable Inebriates' Homes „ XV. Labour Department „ XVI. Mines Department XVII. Agricultural Department „ XVIII. Working Railways Department .. „ XIX. Public Buildings and Domains XX. Defence Department South Africa Contingents XXI. Police Department XXII. Lands and Survey Department .. „ XXIII. Valuation Department .. 21,091 56,786 28,583 68,206 45,684 3,835 137,590 162 2,989 1,090 552,887 40,859 56,426 40,743 29,806 546,519 28,700 7,115 609 16,215 75,706 3,524 10,136 21,166 111,213 1,465,000 25,075 195,333 500 130,685 156,456 28,068 28,583 68,206 3*835 162 2,989 1,090 21,091 56,786 45,681 137' 590 552,887 40,859 56,426 40,743 29,806 546,519 28,700 7,115 609 16,215 75!706 3*524 10,136 21,' 166 111^213 1,465,000 25,075 195,333 500 130*685 156,456 28*068 Otheb Accounts— State Forests Acoount State Coal-mines Account Land for Settlements Account.. Public Trust Office Account Government Insurance Accouut Government Accident Insurance Account State Fire Insurance Account.. Government Advances to Settlers Office: Management Account 27,658 51,380 7,000 25,515 54,764 8,530 6,360 109,778 27,658 51,380 7,000 25*515 54,764 8,530 6,360 109,778 6,892,397 790,704 6,101,693 * These amounts represent the increased layments consequent u] ion later legislation.