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prescribed them suitable for their oases. The cadet corps went into camp this year for the first time, and the experience and training was very good for the boys. About seventy boys last year omitted Latin, and took commercial work and extra French or workshop, with a certain amount of European history. The commercial work has included precis, correspondence, commercial arithmetic, bookkeeping, accountancy ; and the elements of agriculture have been taught to those intending to be farmers. Shorthand and typewriting have been taught on Saturday mornings. Another special prize has been given this year —viz., one by an old boy, Mr. A. R. Craddock, for woodwork. Distinctions gained during the year are as follows : Among former pupils, G^ J. A. Griffin obtained a Senior University Scholarship for Mathematics ; S. S. D. Robertson, his M.A. degree ; R. A. Campbell and S. Steele, the B.Sc. in Engineering ; J. G. Lancaster, G. C. Mayne, and A. E. Currie won exhibitions at Canterbury College. Of present pupils, C. A. Cotton won a Junior University Scholarship ; T. C. Smith and T. E. Guthrie passed the Medical Preliminary, and five boys passed Matriculation ; one boy obtained a Senior Board of Education Scholarship. 2. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 101 9 3 Office salary .. .. .. 100 0 0 Current income from reserves .. .. 3,235 18 4 Teachers' salaries .. . . .. 3,926 10 2 School fees .. .. .. .. 1,956 3 0 Examinations — Interest on current account .. .. 0 10 11 Examiners'fees .. .. .. 52 0 6 Government grant for technical instruction 51 1 6 Other expenses .. .. .. 10 16 6 Sale of parsing notes .. .. .. 13 4 Scholarships (Leaving Exhibition) .. 15 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 015 11 Prizes .. .. .. .. 25 9 0 Contribution towards cost of fencing on Printing, stationery, and advertising, books Reserve 925 .. .. .. 4 10 and telegrams .. .. .. 155 5 8 Share of arbitration expenses, Reserve Cleaning, fuel, light, &o. .. .. 59 6 1 1201 c (Anstey) ... .. .. 4 7 9 Repairs, renewals, fittings, &c. .. .. 63 2 9 Insurance .. .. .. .. 31 17 1 Chemicals and apparatus .. .. 34 19 0 Inspecting and advertising reserves .. 119 11 7 Interest on Loan Account, £5,000 .. 200 0 0 Grant to cadet corps and Sports Fund .. 70 0 0 Rent of section (playground) .. .. 100 0 0 Expenses on endowments .. .. 67 19 3 Grant to school library .. .. 5 0 0 Transfer to Capital Account (refund) .. 129 18 4 Timber and tools for workshop .. .. 114 8 Sundry expenses .. . . .. 21 7 5 Balance in hand and in bank at end of year 156 3 0 £5,355 11 0 £5,355 .11 0 Charles Lewis, Chairman. A. Cracroft Wilson, Registrar. Examined and found correct. — J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

3. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —Latin —Livy, Book XXI. ; Virgil, Selections ; Terence, Scenes from the Andria ; Hints and Helps in Continuous Latin Prose ; Easy Latin Prose Exercises ; Kennedy's Revised Latin Primer ; Gepp and Haigh's Latin Dictionary ; Wells's History of Rome. Greek —The Siege of Plataea ; Scenes from Euripides ; Alcestis ; North and Hillard's Greek Prose Composition ; Abbott and Mansfield's Greek Grammar Primer ; A Short History of Greece. English —Kingsley's Westward Ho ! Macaulay's Critical and Historical Essays and Lays ; Chaucer's Prologue and Knight's Tale ; Nesfield's Manual of English Grammar and Composition ; Nesfield's Historical English and Derivation ; Abbot's How to Write Clearly ; Stopford Brooke's Literature Primer; Essays, composition, philology. History— Lodge's Modern Europe (reign of Queen Elizabeth), Ransome's Short History (reign of Queen Elizabeth), Wells's History of Rome (from Second Punic War to end), Creighton's Roman History Primer (Augustus to end of Empire). French —La Premiere Croisade, Le Gendre de M. Poirier ; Specimens of Modern French Verse, Berthon ; Materials for French Translation, Federer ; Wellington College French Grammar ; Oral French. Mathematics —Ward's Examination-papers on Trigonometry ; Hall and Stevens's Euclid, Books 111.-VI. ; Loney's Trigonometry, Part I. ; Hall and Knight's Algebraical Exercises ; Hall and Knight's Algebra ; Loney's Elementary Mechanics and Hydrostatics. Science —Chemistry, Jago's Inorganic Chemistry ; Chemical Theory, Dobbin and Walker. Lowest. —English —Lyra Heroica ; Swiss Family Robinson ; Bell's Reading-books, Standard IV. ; Arabian Nights; Bell's Reading-books, Standard VI. History—Brief History of England (Edward the Confessor to Edward 111. Dates of kings and queens). Geography—Zealandia Geography, Standard IV. (General Geography of the world, countries and capitals of the world, geography of New Zealand and Australia). French —-French without Tears, Part I. ; Oral French. Mathematics —Zealandia Arithmetic, Standard IV. ; Long and Cross Tots ; mental arithmetic. Science —Nature in New Zealand. Art—Elementary Freehand from copies on board, in outline and colour (short time each lesson pupils draw on blackboard, with ambidextrous practice) ; modelling in plasticine ; simple constructions in plane geometry with design, and scale drawing. (Memory work and teaching and practice of design are interwoven throughout with the work of all the art classes.) Writing —Twice a week. Singing— Twice a week.