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RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Mr. T. R. Creswell, M.A.; Miss C. S. Howard, M.A.; Miss G. E. Rogers. 1. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1903. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Bilance at beginning of year .. .. 154 9 8 Office expenses .. .. .. 611 1 Current income from preserves .. .. 157 5 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances.. .. 450 6 8 School fees .. ' .. •. .. 259 8 0 Sports fund .. .. .. . . 5 0 0 Government capitation for free places (first Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 714 0 and seconl terms) .. .. .. 120 0 0 Gleaning, fuel, light, &c. .. .. 18 6 4 Sale of old woodwork .. .. .. 015 0 Bicycle shed and pump .. .. 20 10 0 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. . . .. 38 4 7 Insurance . . . . ■ ■ ■ • 3 18 9 Desks and chairs . . . . .. 24 2 6 Half cost of street kerbing and channelling paid to Borough Covincil .. .. 16 10 2 Microscope, &c. .. .. .. 7 0 9 Sanitation .. .. .. .. 1 13 0 Balance in bank at end of year £94 19 10 Less unpresented cheque, £2 19s. Id. ; due to Chairman, lid. .. .. 3 0 0 91 19 10 £691 18 2 £691 18 2 J. Johnston, Chairman and Secretary. Examined and found correct.— J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

2. Work op the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest.— English—Nesfield's Manual; Milton's Comus ; Stevenson's Treasure Island. French— Chardenal, Part 11. ; sight translation. ILatin—Via Latina ; Csesar, De Bello Gallico, Book I. ; sight translation ; Kennedy's Latin Primer. ]Arithmetic— Pendlebury. Geometry—Layng's Euclid, Books 1.-111. Algebra Hall and Knight, to Science —Botany, Murche and Edmonds. History—English, Meiklejohn, A.D., 1603-1857 ; Roman, Shuckburgh. Geography—Physical, Mathematical, and Commercial; Longmans' Geography, 111. Book-keeping—Thornton's Manual. Drawing—Freehand and Scale. Lowest. — English — Longmans' Grammar. Arithmetic to fractions. Geography — Longmans , Part I. Drawing—Freehand. History—Warner's Brief Survey. Botany—Murche. Book-keeping-Thornton's Primer.

3. Scholarships. One Education Board and one foundation scholarship were held at the school, with forty-seven Government free places, and three free places given by the Governors.

CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Mr C E Bevan-Brown, M.A. ; Mr. B. K. S. Lawrence, B.A. ; Mr. W. Walton, B.A. ; Mr. R. M. Laing, M.A.BSc• Mr R Speight MA., B.Sc.; Mr. O. T. J. Alpers, M.A.; Mr. A. Merton; Mr. T. H. Jackson, 8.A.; Mr. J. H. Smith M A -'Mr T W. Cane, M.A.; Mr. R. E. Hall, B.A. ; Mr. G. J. Lancaster, M.A.; Sergeant-Major F. Farthing: Mr. J.'Balforir; Mr.'w. S. Malaquin; Mr. A. J. Merton; Mr. W. H. Gundry; Mr. T. S. Tankard; Miss E. E. Digby. 1. Report. The roll-number at the end of the year was 229. During the year 1903 fifty-nine pupils in all have held scholarships or free places at the Boys' High School, of whom thirteen held scholarships from the Board of Education, and forty-six held free places provided by our own Board of Governors. We had difficulty in filling up the latter, and during the year four holders of exhibitions left before their exhibitions had expired ; in two instances the exhibitions had another eighteen months to run, and in the other two more than a term. A memorial to old boys who fought in South Africa was erected in March last and unveiled by His Excellency the Governor. It contains the names of fifty-six who fought in South Africa, and underneath a brass commemorates the names of four who died in the war. Mr. A. Merton has removed to Harewood Road, Papanui, and takes boarders there ; he began the year with six boarders, but they were reduced to three by the end of the year. The house and grounds are excellently adapted for'boarders, the air being good, the grounds extensive, and the distance the house is from the streets of the town is a distinct advantage. The physical-training system was modified at the beginning of 1903 by the partial introduction of the Sandow system. Complete measurements were taken at the beginning of the year and again at the end, and it was found that the average chest-measurement for the whole school had increased, for the normal chest 1| in., and for the expanded chest 2 in. It may be added that two medical men old boys, kindly examined the boys at the beginning of the year, and specially weak boys had exercises