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INDEX— continued.

No. 1. Sir, — British Residency, Earotonga, 7th March, 1902. In pursuance with the instructions contained in your letter (No. 74) of the 29th January, I have the honour to forward a draft Order in Council for your approval, which will, 1 think, confer on the Land Court of these islands all power necessary to decide and determine disputed titles. I may say that there are not less than twenty such cases awaiting adjudication. I presume that the personnel of the Court will also require an Order in Council. I therefore beg to recommend that Stephen Savage, the Interpreter to the Government, be Interpreter of the Court, and that Edward Blame be Registrar of the Court and of Titles under the Act. W. E. Gudgeon, The Right Hon. the Premier, New Zealand. Resident Commissioner.

A.-3, 1902, No. 52.

No. 2. Sir, — British Residency, Rarotonga, 21st April, 1902. I have the honour to inform you that I visited Palmerston Island on the 6th instant while en route to Niue, and after handing the warrant of appointment to Joel Masters, as Resident Agent for New Zealand, I caused the inhabitants to select a Council for the island. The following men have been selected and approved by me: — Joel Masters, President. John Masters, Thomas Masters, Andrew Masters, Members. Turu Masters, James Masters, The residents of Palmerston are very anxious to live under binding local laws, which will enable them to prevent the younger members of the community from bringing spirits on shore, or wasting the common stock of cocoanuts, &c. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, The Right Hon. the Premier, New Zealand. Resident Commissioner.

No. 3. Sib, — British Residency, Rarotonga, 21st April, 1902. From information I have received from Mr. Maxwell and the Rev. Mr. Lawes, I am of opinion that leprosy has been introduced into the Island of-Niue from Samoa, no less than six members of one family having died of this disease. In the event of this proving to be leprosy, it is necessary that the family and those who may be affected should be carefully isolated. I therefore recommend that a doctor should be sent from New Zealand, to remain at least one month at Niue, and report generally upon the health of that island. I have, &c, W. E. Gudgeon, The Right Hon. the Premier, New Zealand. Resident Commissioner.

No. of Series. From Date. Subject. Page. 42 Hon. C. H. Mills 11 Dec, 1902 Rules and Regulations, Land Titles Court, laid before the Governor.. Rarotonga Island Council Ordinance No. 2 assented to Sitting of Land Titles Court at Aitutaki Gift of Takutea Island to the King Appointment of J. T. Large as Interpreter, Land Titles Court Meteorological instruments for Niue Acknowledging receipt of No 45 Acknowledging receipt of No. 44 Used fruit-cases not to be sent to Islands Sitting of Land Titles Court at Penrhyn, Rakahanga, and Manihiki.. Appointment of Interpreter to Land Titles Court Acknowledging receipt of No. 51 Death of Ngamaru and Parua, Arikis Vanilla plants from Fiji Report on trade and revenue for 1902 Acknowledging receipt of No. 54 His Majesty's thanks for gift of Takutea Island 43 44 45 46 Resident Commissioner 17 Dec, „ 17 Dec, „ 23 Dec, „ 29 Dec, „ 20 20 20 20 Hon. C."h. Mills 21 21 21 21 21 47 48 49 50 61 29 Dec, . 31 Jan., 1903 9 Feb., „ 9 Mar., „ 9 Mac, „ Resident Commissioner 52 58 54 55 56 57 58 Hon. C. H. Mills Resident Commissioner Hon. C. H. Mills Resident Commissioner Hon. C. H. Mills 9 Mar., „ 81 Mar., „ 1 April, „ 4 April, „ 0 April, 22 April, „ 22 May, „ 21 22 22 22 22 22 80 81