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PACIFIC ISLANDS. [In continuation of Parliamentary Paper A.-3, 1902.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


I—A. 3.

J- U\JtJ. NEW ZEALAND. PACIFIC ISLANDS. [In continuation of Parliamentary Paper A.-3, 1902.] Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. INDEX. No. of Series. Froin Date. Subject. Page. 1 2 3 4 5 Resident Commissioner 7 Mar., 1902 21 April, „ 21 April, . 23 April, „ 24 April, „ Investigation of titles to land Palmerston Island Council, Selection of Probable leprosy at Niue Erection of offioes at Niue Mr. Maxwell, at Niue, to correspond direct with Premier Report on Marriage and Divorce Act of Niue Receipts and expenditure for nine months ending 31st March, 1902 Palmerston Island Council Mr. Maxwell, at Niue, is not to correspond direot with Premier Customs matters to be under Resident Commissioner, who will decide on interpretation of the tariff Acknowledging receipt of No. 4 Ports of Earotonga, Cook Islands, and Alofi, at Niue, established Island Councils established at Penrhyn, Rakahanga, Manihiki, and Palmerston Acknowledging receipt of No. 10 Accounts of schooner " Countss of Ranfurly " for nine months ended 31st March, 1902 Order in Council establishing Cook and other Islands Land Titles Court, and appointment of Judges, &o. Marriage and Divorce Act of Niue will have to be reserved for Royal assent Federal Ordinances, Nos. 5 to 10 Acknowledging receipt of No. 13 Hon. C. H. Mills to administer Cook and other Islands Appointment of Judges for Land Titles Court Dr. Gatley. Medical Officer for Islands Aitutaki Island Council Ordinance No. 1 Petition for an hotel at Rarotonga Acknowledging receipt of No. 16 Hotel at Rarotonga: Federal Council should pass an Ordinance Acknowledging receipt of No. 22 Return wanted by House of Representatives as to " Countess of Ranfurly " Aitutaki Ordinance No. 1 assented to Federal Ordinances Nos. 5 to 10 assented to.. Appointment of Mr. Maxwell as Judge of Land Titles Court at Niue Financial position of Niue.. Return asked for in No. 28 Chief Health Officer, Dr. Mason, will visit the Islands Mr. T. R. Herd appointed Collector of Customs and Postmaster Amount of revenue for half-year ended 30th September, 1902 Measles at Rarotonga Rarotonga Island Council Ordinance No. 1 (Sale of Liquor) Rarotonga Island Counoil Ordinance No. 2 .. Measles at Rarotonga Acknowledging receipt of No. 36 2 2 2 3 6 7 30 April, „ — May, „ 3 3 8 9 Premier 28 May, . 28 May, , 3 4 4 10 Commissioner ef Trade and Customs Premier 4 June, „ 5 5 11 12 5 June, „ 18 June, „ 5 13 Resident Commissioner 19 June, „ 5 5 14 15 24 June, „ 30 June, „ 6 16 Premier • .. 7 July, . 6 17 9 July, „ 10 10 12 12 18 13 13 14 Iβ 18 19 20 '21 22 23 24 25 26 Resident Commissioner Premier Resident Commissioner - July, „ 17 July, , 22 July, „ 23 July, „ 23 July, „ 24 July, „ 31 July, „ 22 Aug., „ 25 Aug., „ Hon. C. H.'Mills 15 15 27 28 25 Aug., „ 25 Aug., „ 29 80 81 25 Aug., , 26 Aug., „ 26 Aug., , 15 16 16 32 88 34 35 Resident Commissioner 18 Sept., „ 19 Sept., „ 29 Sept., „ 1 Oot., Iβ 16 Iβ 17 Premier Hon. C. H. Mills Resident Commissioner 7 Oct., „ 17 36 17 17 37 38 12 Nov., „ 13 Nov., , 39 40 41 Hon. C. H.'Mills — Dec, , 8 Dec, „ 9 Dec, „ 18 19 ■20 20 1—A. 3.