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78. To be amended as follows : The House shall proceeds each day with business in the following order : 1. Private business ; 2. Public Petitions ; 3. Giving Notices of Motion and Notices of Questions ; 4. Prooontation of -Paporo Unopposed Motions for Returns ; 5. Motions for Leave of Absence; 6. TJnoppoood Motiono fur Returno Leave to introduce Bills ; 7. koavo to introduce Bills Presentation of Papers ; 8. Reports of Select Committees and resumption of debates on Reports on Bills by Select Committees interrupted by the adjournment of the House at half after five o'clock on the previous day ; 9. Questions ; 10. Orders of the Day and Notices of Motion, in the order in which they are set down ia on the Order Paper. 78a. New Standing Order: When the Government signifies that a Motion for a Return is unopposed; the Speaker shall put the Motion to the House, unless six Members stand up in their places to signify that it is opposed. 80. To be amended as follows: Except on Thursdays, of the first ten weeks of the Session, before the public business is entered upon, Questions are permitted to be put to Ministers of the Crown relating to public affairs, and to other Members relating to any Bill, Motion, or other public matter connected with the business of the House in which such Members may be concerned. (Amendment to 80 not to come into operation until next Session.) Standing Order 83 to be transferred to page 23, to precede No. 104. 83a. New Standing Order : Questions and Notices of Motion shall have priority on the Order Paper in order of date upon which the notice of such Question or Motion was given, and shall be answered and moved in such order ; and, as regards Questions, shall be answered by the Minister to whom they are addressed, as grouped. (Not to apply to notices already given.) 84. To be amended as follows : Every Member, in giving Notice of Motion or Question, is shall, at the time fixed under Standing Order 78, te deliver at the Table a copy of such Notice, fairly written, together with his name, and the day proposed for bringing on saea the Motion or Question, without reading it viva voce in the House, unless the consent of the Speaker has been previously obtained. 88. To be amended as follows : No Notice metf shall be given for any day beyond tho period which shfth-ißelttde-the-leHr-days-aext-iollewißg-eH—whieh Notiees-af-e-eatitled-te-preeedeaee two weeks. dae allawaaee-beiag-Btade-f-er any inter-¥eaiag-adjeafaaKmt of tke-H-eaee-aad-tlio period beiag in that caoo do ■Pnr fivtniirl/Ml no fi"i lMclm lit ~THII T i\T(~>tl f'H j\ ' I VI"! T:4 I 1111 ( T flllT'l Tl If J I H"' fil I J IIH f i~\T t lit 'J 1 t 111 ill ' 103. To be amended as follows : No Member shall speak for more than half an hour at a time in any Debate in the House, except in the Debate on the Address in Reply, or on the Financial Statement, or in a Debate on a Motion of "No Confidence," or in moving the second reading of a Bill, or on the Debate on the Appropriation Bill, when a Member shall be at liberty to speak for one hour. In Committee of the House no Member shall speak for more than tea five minutes at any one time, or more than four times on any one Question before the Committee, except in Committee of Suvply, when a Member speaking to the first vote, or any amendment thereto, of the General, Public Works, or Supplementary Estimates shall be allowed four speeches of not more than ten minutes each : Provided that this rule shall not apply in Committee to a Member in charge of a Bill, or to a Minister when delivering the Financial Statement in Committee of Supply, or, in regard to the number of his speeches, to a Minister in charge of a Class of the Estimates in Committee of Supply. Standing Order 83 to be transferred from page 23 to precede 104. 104. To'be amended as follows : The Adjournment of the House may be moved'at any time after the Questions are disposed of, whether by reply or by postponement, but the Debate on such Motion must be confined strictly to the Question of Adjournment, unless Seven Members rise in support thereof, and then any specific quefitieae-alhtded-te-ie-feplico of Miniotero to Qaestiaae-ea-taat-day-subject may be discussed, except the provisions of any Bui or Motion on the Order Paper. When the Adjournment of the House is moved upon a Question before the House, the Debate on the Adjournment must be confined to that Question or to reasons for or against the Adjournment. 106. To be amended as follows : No second Motion for the Adjournment of the House shall be made on the same day, save by a Minister of the Crown, or by a Member supported by at least Nine other Members rising in their places in support of the Motion, and then the Debate shall be confined solely to the Question of Adjournment. 111 a. New Standing Order: After a Question has been proposed, either in the House or in Committee, a Member may move, without debate, " That the voce be now taken," and if ten or more Members (including the Mover) rise in support of such Motion, and Mr. Speaker or the Chairman of the whole House considers that the Motion is reasonable, it shall thereupon be put from the Chair, and if it is affirmed by two-thirds of the Members present, then the vote on the original Question shall be forthwith taken. 150 a. New Standing Order : Mr. Speaker or the Chairman of Committees may order a Member whose conduct is grossly disorderly to withdraw immediately from the House during the remainder of that day's sitting, and the Serjeant-at-Arms shall act on such orders as he may receive from the Chair in pursuance of this Standing Order. 152. To be amended as follows : If a Motion for the Adjournment of the Debate be is negatived, it «aa may be moved again by anothef-Member; at a later stage of the same Debate, provided oome-gfcaef-motion ohall have-iater-v-eaea-; by another Member supported by at least nine other Members, who signify their support by rising in their psaces ; but eaaaet it shall not be moved, or seconded, a second time by tbe-eiwae a Members who has previously proposed or seconded the-Matiea for Adjeapa»eat it. 158. To be amended as fellows : When an Amendment is moved, the Debate must be confined to the Amendment, unless it be of such a nature as to involve the consideration or decision of the Main Question (ef—w-aiea-Mft-Speakor ie4he-jadge), in which case both the Main Question and the Amendment are open for discussion, but by saea-Memboro only ao havo—aot-spokori to the-