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159. To be amended as follows : No Member who has spoken to any Amendment which involves the consideration or decision of the Main Question eaa shall subsequently speak to the Main Question, either as originally proposed or as amended. 162. To be amended as follows: A Member who has spoken to the Main Question, or to any Motion which involves the Main Question, aaay- shall not move or second an Amendment (except in Committee), the Adjournment of the House, the Adjournment of the Debate, the Previous Question, or a Motion to proceed to the Orders of the Day. es-ft-partieate-Osde?. He may speak to any such Motion (except the previous Question) when made by another Member, but must confine his remarks thereto, and may not debate the Main Question thereupon. 189. Omit the following Standing Order : When such a Resolution has been agreed to, or an Order of the Day read for the House to resolve itself into Committee, Mr. Speaker puts a Question, " That I do now leave the Chair," which being agreed to, he leaves the Chair accordingly. 193 a. New Standing Order: As soon as may be convenient after the commencement of every Session, the House shall appoint a Panel of not more than three Members to act as temporary Chairmen of Committees, when requested by the Chairman of Committees. 205 a. New Standing Order: A Member in charge of a Bill may, at any time after the Bill has been gone through in Committee, move that the Bill be reported, and such Bill shall be reported if the Motion is carried by a majority of three-fifths of those voting, provided that such Motion shall not be again made until some other Motion shall have intervened. 271. Omit the following Standing Order as no longer acted on : It is the sole duty of the Managers of the one House to read and deliver to the Managers of the other House the Resolutions of the other House on Bills, with reasons for insisting upon Amendments or disagreements to Amendments, or otherwise. 272. To be amended as follows : After one or more Messages on any subject, a Fjee Conference thereon may be held, at which the difference between the two Houses may be discussed. Further Froo Conferences may be held on the same subject, if desired by either House. 273. To be amended as follows : If a Froo Conference is held, and no agreement come to, the Bill or Resolution which was the subject of such Conference shall be in possession of the House objecting to the Amendments, so that it may, if it think fit, accept the Bill or Resolution. 274. To be amended as follows : After a Free Conference the Managers shall bring up a Report, which shall, on Motion without notice, be taken into consideration by the House either immediately or on a future day to be appointed for considering the same. 324. To be amended as follows : Private Bills shall be understood to be Bills which are promoted for the private interest of individuals, es companies or their trustees, or of ecclesiastical or other bodies, corporate or unincorporate, and which, by their provisions, diroctly- interfere with the private property of individuals, companies or their trustees, or of ecclesiastical or other bodies, corporate or unincorporate. and tho Private-Bills Comßaittee-eheald—gi¥e-a4iberal-4aterprotation to the Si' fITIM ITI IT ( 111 TU.AXD m'-J-t T I^lll P. _a£ - .'l. Til 1 111 1 P--1 I :ii~.l 11'P Amendment to 324 not to come into operation until the close of the present session. 327. To be amended as follows : A Bill is shall be presented by the Member, or one of the Members, ordered to prepare and bring in the same, and ouch Momber-is-dooirod by Mr. Speakef-te tll'in rp if" iiri 329 a. New Standing Order : At the commencement of every Session a Lands Committee, consisting of ten members, shall be appointed, to whom shall stand referred after their first reading all Bills affecting or in any way relating to the lands of the Crown, Educational or other public reserves ; the Committee shall have power to make such amendments therein as they think proper, and to report generally when necessary upon the principles and provisions of the Bill. 330. To be amended as follows: A Bill With the exception of the Bills referred to in Standing Orders 329 a and 391, a Bill having beea when read a first time is shall be ordered to be read a second time on a future day. 336. To be amended as follows: When it is intended to refer a Bill to a Select Committee the second reading may be moved pro forma, and in such case there shall be no speech by the mover and no Debate etaer-taaa-the-speeeli of thivMeveft- provided that notice of intention to move pro forma must be given either at the time of fixing the date for second reading or not less than two clear sitting-days before the date fixed for second reading, the same to be notified on the Order Paper. 354. To be amended as follows : On a new clause being offered moved in Committee, or on the eeaßidamtion-ef—Repertj-Mft-Speak-eri-er-tae-Ghahaian io to deehe-the-Meatbor te-br-iag-ap-th-e-saffles-w-aer-e--apea it is-te shall be read a first time without Question put. bat-ae-elaaee-ie-to bo effered-ea-eeasidera--41 (ITI ("IT nflTinTt w lf.ll fill t 11 a! ] (V> lliXl Ul -LlvTpv'rt TTltH'jUr IIU LI tJl^. 354 a. New Standing Order: Except in the case of new clauses moved by the Member in charge of the Bill, those appearing on the Order Paper shall have precedence over others. 356 a. New Standing Order: A Bill may, on the motion of the Member in charge, and without debate, be committed " pro forma" for the purpose of incorporating amendments. Thereupon the amendments shall be made without debate, and the Bill shall be reported and ordered to be reprinted in the amended form and recommitted for a future day. 382. To be amended as follows : On days on which Private Members' business has precedence, Private Members' Bills standing for third reading shall take precedence of Bills for Report, and Bills for Report of Bills for Committee, er and Bills for Committee of Bills d for second reading. Standing Order 382 to be transferred to page 18, after No. 77. 383. To be amended as follows: When Private Members' Public Bills become dropped Orders they nro to shall be set down upon the Order Paper after the Orders set down for the next day, and shall be arranged as follows, viz. : (1) Second readings of Bills pro forma; (2) Bills standing for report or third reading ; (4) (3) Bills for Committee or for further consideration in Committee ; (3) (4) Second readings. Standing Order 383 to be transferred to page 18, after No. 77.