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Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

4.— H. 16.

Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Rig. g & Number of co (- —: — ] 'gig | Passen«E- j g gers. Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. K I Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. Cargo. Casualty. 1902. (July 21 i t 26 Tarawera, s.s., 29 years Jessie Niocol, 30 years Carin, 26 years Schooner Sohooner L... 1269 93 52 6 19 General Stranded; partial loss . Timber.. Collision; slight damage Timber.. Collision; no damage Ballast.. | Loss of life only West side of wharf, Napier Breakwater •' Alongside wharf, Grey mouth 1 Cook Strait Reversing-gear of engine broke suddenly as she was going up to the wharf, and she ran on to the beach, not being able to get the engines to work astern I Owing to range in river the stern-lines of " Carin " parted, and she ran ahead into the "Jessie Nicool,'' carrying away her stern rail and wheel Gale .. During heavy gale and sea vessel took a heavy lurch to starboard and a heavy sea broke on board, washing Ernest Malmberg, A.B., overboard. At the same time the ballast shifted, causing a heavy list to vessel, whioh made it impossible to render him any assistance Strong Vessel had no certificated officer on watch at breeze time of casualty, and the seaman in charge of the deck failed to call the master, and such negligence was the cause of the casualty. Master was negligent in not remaining on deok when he must have known the vessel was approaohing a somewhat hazardous part of the coast. His certificate was suspended for three months, and he was ordered to pay £8 lis. costs of inquiry. Strong Stern-shaft broke through a fault inherent in breeze the shaft gradually working out to the outside Whole gale Casualty caused by coal - hulk "Gazelle," moored alongside, bumping heavily against side of ship, and causing ship to bump heavily against wharf Vessel left Lyttelton on 16th August for Kaipara, and was last seen by the schooner " Morning Light" on 24th August off Kaikoura, the weather then being very heavy. She is supposed to have foundered with the loss of all hands Fresh While engaged surveying bar and channel vesbreeze sel touched heavily on a shoal- bank ! Norman Beaumont. R. A. Grono. ' T. V. Sundberg. Charles Bonner. 26 Sohooner 216 9 Aug. 10 Sir Henry, 11 Schooner 95 6 S.S.E. Gale years 15 Oreti, s.s., 25 years Schooner 117 12 Cattle .. Stranded; no damage Farewell Spit S.E. Strong breeze Oscar Jarman. 20 i George Alfred Lobb. . 24 Taviuni, s.s., 10 years County of Ayr, 38 years Schooner Barque.. | 901 39 498 11 5 Fruit .. Breaking of tail-shaft Ballast.. Damage to plates and frames Fruit .. Ballast.. About 5 miles S.E. of Ariel Reef, East Coast, North Island Jer.ois Quay, Wellington Harbour S.S.E. N.W. William Tulloch. 24 (about) Timaru, 15 years Barque.. 354 11 Ballast & produce Ballast & Supposed founproduce dered; total loss Supposed Supposed Cook Strait, 11 (all on voyage from Lythands)! telton to Kaipara Alfred Johansen. I Sept. 1 Hinemoa, s. s., 27 years ' Lig'thouse stores & material Wool and f r o z e n meat Ballast.. John Bollons. Sohooner . 282 | 30 3 Lig'thouse Stranded; parstores & tial Iosb Kaipara Bar W.S.W. 4 Whakatane.s.s., 2 years Schooner ;3786 78 7 material Wool and Stranded; no frozen damage meat Ballast.. Vessel capsized About 1<} miles north of entrance to Timaru Harbour Off Ram's Head, Pelorus Sound Variable Light .. Casualty caused by heavy fog coming down and enveloping ship while making entrance to harbour. Vessel touched ground slightly Squally Vessel was too heavily sparred, and the only additional precaution master oould have taken was the reefing of the foresail. Reginald Claudius Clifford. 11 Ronga, 2 years Schooner 93 6 S.S.E. Otto Edward Peterson.