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General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1902— continued.

III.—Assets and Liabilities.

H. N. Garland, Secretary. Examined and found correct.— J. K. Wabbukton, Controller and Auditor-General.

TARANAKI. Sib, — School Commissioner's Office, New Plymouth, 30th May, 1903. I have the honour to hand you herewith copy of the Board's annual statement of receipts and disbursements, with the balance-sheet for the year ending the 31st December last, duly certified by the Auditor and Controller-General. It will be observed that the rents in arrear amounted to £650 (out of a rent-roll of about £3,000, and inclusive of a number which are payable in advance), against £477 at the end of 1901. This increase is due to the unusual lateness of the milking season, which necessarily affected the income of the dairy farmers, from whom the Board derives its revenue. The year has been an uneventful one, and the personnel of the Board has undergone no change since Mr. MacKenzie, Commissioner of Crown Lands, joined it in succession to Mr. Strauchon. I have to express my thanks to my colleagues for their unvarying courtesy and able cooperation. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. R. Cock, Chairman.

13— E. 1.

lEPABATE CCOUNT — iNDOWMENTS. Primary. Secondary. Total. Receipts. To Balance, 31st December, 1901 Received in 1902 Total receipts ... £ ... 1,914 ... 816 ... 2,730 s. d. 1 0 0 0 1 0 £ s. A. 476 1 0 £ s. 2,390 2 816 0 d. 0 0 476 1 0 3,206 2 0 Expenditure. iy Endowments purchased Balance, 31st December, 1902 Total expenditure £ s. ... 2,730 1 ... 2,730 1 d. 0 0 £ s. 87 1 388 19 a. 6 6 £ s. a. 2,817 2 6 388 19 6 476 1 0 3,206 2 0

ssets. Bank balance (General Account) ... „ (Endowments Account) Bents, 1900, unpaid „ 1901, „ 1902, £ s. 8 "3 69 14 917 19 d. 9 5 0 £ s. 388 19 32 6 295 0 a. 6 0 7 £ s. a 154 19 3 388 19 6 8 3 9 102 0 5 1,212 19 7 Total assets 1,867 2 6 Liabilities. lease deposits in hand ... Total liabilities £ s. 36 9 36 9 d. 0 0 £ s. 8 12 d. 0 £ s. 45 1 a. o 8 12 0 45 1 0