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Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (First Beport). The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the abovementioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having duly considered the same, they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 26th August, 1902.

Mining Act Amendment Bill (Mb. Guinness). The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the abovementioned Bill, have the honour to report that they have duly considered the same. The Committee have made certain amendments, which are shown in a copy of the Bill attached hereto. 26th August, 1902.

Mining Act Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred the abovementioned Bill, have the honour to report that, having duly considered the same, they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown on a copv of the Bill attached hereto. 27th August, 1902.

Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (Second Beport). The Goldfields and Mines Committee, to whom was referred back the Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill, have the honour to report that, having further considered the said Bill, they recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown in a copy of the Bill attached hereto. (Vide also Appendix 1.-4a.) 28th August, 1902.

Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill (Third BeportJ. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House that they have agreed to the following resolution, namely : — Resolved, " That this Committee recommend that the Government take up the Coal-mines Act Amendment Bill as a Government measure, and use their utmost endeavours to have the said Bill passed into law this session." 29th August, 1902.

No. 67. —Petition of Simon Feasee (First Beport). Petitionee claims to have been the discoverer of goldfields at Taieri and other places, and seeks a reward. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report, upon the petition of Simon Fraser, that they have no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1902.

No. 242. —Petition of James Hosie. Petitionee claims to have been the discoverer of gold at Waihi and Karangahake, and seeks to obtain a reward. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report, on the petition of James Hosie, that they have no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1902.

No. 377. —Petition of James Kelly, a Miner (First Beport). Petitionee claims to have been the first to discover and prove the existence of payable quartz reefs in Beefton, and seeks to obtain a reward. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having considered the facts set forth in the petition of James Kelly, have the honour to recommend that a sum be annually placed on the estimates sufficient to allow to him an annuity equal to what he would be entitled to receive as an old-age pensioner. 4th September, 1902.

No. 377. —Petition 6f James Kelly, a Miner (Second Beport). Petitionee claims that he was the first to discover and prove the existence of payable quartz goldbearing reefs at Beefton, and he seeks to obtain a reward. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having again carefully considered the circumstances as set forth in the petition of James Kelly, have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make. 18th September, 1902.

No. 301. —Petition of Edwakd Conway and Others. Petitionees represent that they are the owners of freehold property on the banks of the Inangahua Biver ; that they did not receive any notice of the intention to proclaim the Inangahua Eiver a sludge-channel under the Mining Act; and that their lands will be damaged and injuriously affected by such proclamation. They seek compensation. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given careful consideration to the petition of Edward Conway and others, have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make. . 19th September, 1902.