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5. Such case shall be forwarded to the Begistrar of the Supreme Court at Auckland, New Zealand, and the Begistrar shall set down such case for consideration at once. If, when the case is called upon, counsel appear either for the appellant or for the respondent, the Court shall hear such counsel. If no counsel appear, or counsel on one side only, the Court shall consider the case, and shall, either then or at a subsequent sitting of the Court, pronounce its opinion thereon, and such opinion shall be recorded on the case by the Begistrar, who will return the case, with such opinion indorsed, to the High Court at Barotonga, forwarding the case with all convenient speed. 6. In cases where there is to be a sitting of the Supreme Court at Barotonga within sixty days after notice of appeal is given, the case stated shall be forwarded to the Supreme Court there, and shall be dealt with in like manner as if the appeal were heard in Auckland. 7. Due security for costs, and for the performance of the judgment of the Supreme Court, shall, within six days after the notice of appeal has been given, be given to the satisfaction of the Judge of the High Court, unless the Court of first instance otherwise orders ; and if no such security be given as above the notice of appeal shall be deemed abandoned. Court of Appeal. 8. All appeals to the Court of Appeal of New Zealand shall be subject, mutatis mutandis, to the rules for the time in force relating to appeals from the Supreme Court of New Zealand. Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation not given; printing (1,375 copies), £38 18s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o2,

Price Is. 3d.]