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A. -3.

I should like you to explain the necessity of the proposed vote of £600 for hospital. Is it for a new building, and what have you done hitherto for the hospital ? I trust that your anticipation of the revenue exceeding the expenditure may be realised. I have, &c, C. H. Mills, The Eesident Commissioner, Earotonga. For the Premier.

No. 102. g IE Premier's Office, Wellington, 15th April, 1902. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (No. 9) of the 22nd February, requesting authority to build offices for use of the various departments, the cost of which you place at £700. ~. In reply I grant you the required authority, provided you clearly see your way to providing for payment for the work, but that I leave to your own serious consideration. I have, &c, C. H. Mills, The Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. P° r the Premier.

No. 88,

No. 103. g IE _ Premier's Office, Wellington, 15th April, 1902. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (No. 14) of the 6th March, reporting that you have arranged the lease of the wharf and sheds to the Union Steamship Company for twenty years, at £20 per annum. I am pleased that the matter has been satisfactorily settled. I have, &c, C. H. Mills, The Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga. For the Premier.

No. 90

No. 104. g IE _ Premier's Office, Wellington, 9th May, 1902. Beferring to your letter (No. 5) of the 6th February last, I have now the honour to forward fifty copies of rules relating to appeals from the High Court of the Cook Islands to the Supreme Court of New Zealand. I have, &°-i J. G. Waed, Acting-Premier. Lieut.-Colonel Gudgeon, C.M.G., Eesident Commissioner, Barotonga.

No. 84,


Eanfurly, Governor. Oedee in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-eighth day of April, 1902. Present: The Honourable Sir J. G. Ward presiding in Council. In exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred by section four of " The Cook and Other Islands Government Act, 1901," His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council thereof, and with the concurrence of His Honour the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the said colony, and His Honour Mr. Justice Cooper, a Judge of the said Court, doth hereby make the following rules with respect to appeals from the decisions of the High Court of the Cook Islands, and doth declare that such rules shall take effect on and after the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and two; — Rules. 1. Any person who may be desirous of appealing from any decision of the High Court of the Cook Islands, whether the decision be a dismissal of the case or otherwise, and whether the ground of appeal be matter of law or matter of fact, or both, may appeal from the same to the Supreme Court of New Zealand. 2. Notice of appeal shall be served upon all parties directly affected by the appeal, and it shall not be necessary to serve parties not so affected, but the Supreme Court may direct notice of the appeal to be served on all or any parties to the action or other proceeding, or upon any person not a party, and in the meantime may postpone or adjourn the hearing of the appeal upon such terms as mav'seem just, and may give such judgment and make such order as might have been given or made if the persons served with such notice had been originally parties. 3. Notice of appeal from any judgment of the High Court shall be a fourteen days' notice. 4.' Such appeal shall be in the form of a case stated and agreed on by both parties or their solicitors, and if they cannot agree the Judge of the High Court shall settle the case and sign it.