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English History. — For Civil Service Senior (Old Regulations). Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. What was the character of Walpole's administration? Give the chief events during his tenure of oflice. 2. Give some account of the struggle with France for the possession of India and North America. 3. Give a short sketch of the legislation against dissenters, and show how it was gradually relaxed. 4. Give an outline of Napoleon's career, and show how his schemes brought him into conflict with England. c'■;,•{;. 5. Sketch the history of the reform movement. 6. What was the public opinion with regard to colonies prior to 1837 ? Illustrate your answer by reference to facts. 7. Give a short account of the measures introduced between 1800 and 1850 with the intention of improving the condition of the poorer classes. 8. Write brief notes on Bill of Eights, National debt, South Sea Bubble, Wood's halfpence, Junius, Peterloo. 9. Give a short account of the life of one of the following : Marlborough; Clive; Washington.

General History. — For Civil Service Senior (New Regulations). Time alloived: 3 hours. 1. Compare the ancient and the modern methods of colonisation. Illustrate your answer by examples. 2. Write brief historical notes on the following: Magenta; Navarino; Sedan; Sebastopol; Delhi; the march to Kandahar; the Edict of Nantes ; the Holy Alliance; the Monroe doctrine; the coup d'etat of 1851. 3. Give an account of the Renascence in Europe. 4. Sketch the gradual rise of Prussia during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to the position of supremacy in Germany. 5. Describe the character and reign of Peter the Great, and his influence on the advance of Eussia. 6. Estimate the historical importance of the following : John Sobieski; Eichelieu ; Mirabeau ; Mazzini; Daniel O'Connell; the Chartists ; Dupleix ; Lord Dalhousie ; Kossuth ; Abraham Lincoln. 7. Discuss the statement that " England saved Europe " from French imperialism. 8. State concisely the various causes which alienated the Americans from the English between 17b5 and 1880.

Constitutional History. — For Civil Service Senior (New Regulations). Time alloived: 3 hours. Candidates may omit one question. 1. How did cabinet government attain its present position in England? Compare the nature of the cabinet in England and in the United States. 2. What enactments govern the succession to the throne? 3. State briefly the various steps by which the House of Commons has become the controlling influence in the state. 4. State shortly the nature of the feudal system. What system did it replace, and when did it cease to exist ? 5. Give a short history of trial by jury. 6. What is the privilege of originating money bills in the British Parliament ? Compare with the practice in the New Zealand and the Commonwealth parliaments. 7. Give a brief account of the history of taxation, showing different methods employed at various times. 8. What imperial courts have jurisdiction over cases arising in the colony? What obsolete forms of trial occur in English history. 9. What is meant by "an elective executive," and what by " the referendum " ? Mention any advantages and any disadvantages these institutions would be likely to have in New Zealand.

Latin. — For Class D, and for Civil Service Senior and Junior. Time allowed : 3 hours. [N.B. —Great importance is attached to the correct rendering of the passages set for translation from and into Latin.J 1. Translate into English : — Cambyses and the Ethiopian Bow. (a.) Cambyses, Persarum rex, quum Aethiopiam subigere constituisset, speculatores misit gui regionem explorarent. Rex Aethiopicus hos homines comprehensos sine injuria dimisit; deditque iis arcum quern jussit eos ad dominum eorum ferre, eique dicere talem cum esse quali Aethiopes vulgo uterentur, et neminem gui cum facile flectere non posset, bellum Aethiopibus inferre debere. Quum rediissent legati, haec mandata afferentes, Cambyses ira tarn incensus est ut, omnibus rebus domesticis neglectis, statim proficisci inciperet, quum nee consilium cepisset, nee commeatum ad iter comparasset. Haud longe progressus erat, quum pedem referre coactus est; et quum domum rediisset, fratrem suum, gui solus arcum Aethiopicum flectere potuit, interficiendum curavit.