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3. Write notes upon the following ; Vernal equinox ; sargasso sea; canon; moraine law of winds ; bore. 4. What are the chief influences that affect the climate of a country ? Give illustrations from New Zealand and other countries. 5. Give an account" of the chief physical features, productions, and towns of the Argentine Eepublic. 6. What parts of Africa are British possessions, or under British influence ; and what are the chief productions of each of these parts ? 7. Give an account of the lake systems of New Zealand. In what parts of the colony are there manifestations of volcanic action ? 8. What do you know of Buffalo, Creuzot, Fiume, Socotra, Port Moresby, Leeuwin, Dogger Bank, Karnak, Batoum, Nicaragua, Peshawar, Luzon ? 9. Draw a map of the states included in the Commonwealth of Australia, showing the state boundaries and two important towns in each state.

Commercial Geography. — For Civil Service Senior (New Regulations). Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. What is the approximate population of (a) the British Isles, (b) Canada, (c) United States of America, (d) Australia, (c) New South Wales, (/) Victoria, (g) New Zealand? 2. What are the chief commercial productions of (a) South Australia, (b) the Pacific Islands, (c) Queensland, (d) Canada? 3. From what countries chiefly are the following commodities exported : Wool, coffee, raw cotton, manufactured cotton, hides, dairy produce, wheat, diamonds, copper, frozen meat? 4. Indicate approximately the total annual value of imports and exports of (a) Great Britain, (b) United States, (c) Australia, (d) New Zealand. In the case of New Zealand, mention the six principal articles both of import and of export. 5. What systems of currency prevail in the United States, Canada, France, Germany ? Give approximately the par of exchange in each case. 6. From what countries does New Zealand obtain her supply of tea, kerosene, sugar, hardware, clocks, pianos? Where you name two or more sources of supply, place them, if possible, in order, determined by the amount of production of the commodity referred to. 7. How is the commerce of New Zealand affected by the Customs tariff of (a) Australia, (b) New Zealand herself? 8. Give some account of the more important trade routes leading to or from any New Zealand port, and indicate the nature of the goods brought or carried away by each route. 9. Draw a map of New Zealand, inserting the chief towns, railway lines, rivers, and mountains : and mark the localities or areas from which are obtained gold, coal, oats, wheat, kauri-gum, potatoes.

English History. — For Class D. Time allowed : 3 hours. [Candidates are expected to attempt all the questions.] 1. King Alfred has been called "the wisest man of England," England's darling," and "the most perfect character in history." Discuss the aptness of these epithets, with reference to his life. 2. Give an account of any attempts made since the Norman Conquest to invade England. 3. Sketch briefly the relations between England and Scotland before the union of the two kingdoms. 4. Write historical notes on the following: The Statute of Mortmain; the Statute of Praemunire ; the Anglican Prayer-book; the Scotch Covenanters; the Massacre of Drogheda; the Test Act; the Boston Massacre; the Orange and Green factions ; Malta; Criminal Law Eeform. 5. Name (without comment) the chief naval heroes of England and their victories. Give dates. 6. Discuss the character and actions of (a) Sir Francis Bacon, (b) Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. 7. Write an account of Waterloo, and explain why it is one of the greatest battles in the history of the world. 8. Estimate briefly the part played in English history by the following characters : Simon de Montfort; Wycliff'e; Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone; Sir Eobert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury; Titus Oates; Queen Caroline of Anspach ; Daniel O'Connell; George Whitfield.

History.—For Class E, and for Civil Service Junior. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Say what you know of each of the following: Aidan ; Gaveston; Glendower; Hengist; Langton; de Montfort, Wycliff; Tyler; Drake; Warwick the Kingmaker. 2. Sketch the life and character of Alfred the Great. 3. Give an account of the Seven Years' War. 4. Describe the career of the younger Pitt. 5. Trace the colonial expansion of England during the period 1603 to 1837. 6. What do you know of the following ?—The Junto; Bill of Rights; Peace of Eyswick; Eeform Bill; Triennial Act; Treaty of Utrecht.